Chapter 13

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I wanted to give Sun a lot more trauma, but he's too precious.

So i decided to give him just a liiiitle more instead.


Rain's pov:

I closed the trunk of my car after stashing the mask and hoodie in the hidden compartment in it.

I had just finished the delivery for today and it's close to the time when i need to go pick up Sun.

I went around the car and to the driver's seat.

I should pick up some Kimchi on the way. We can eat it with the stew i made earlier today.

Sun said he's been craving kimchi for a while.

And p'Phayu said he'll come over for dinner as well.
I glanced at my side mirror as i stopped a bit further away from the school gate than usual.

There was a car that pulled up not too far away from me.

I noticed that it's been following me for the last few turns.

It could be a coincidence but my instincts are telling me it's not.

The windows are tinted and it's all black with an unusual kind of numberplate as well.

"Belith." I called out, keeping my gaze on the side mirror.

A ding rang in the air before she replied. "Yes, Rain."

"Call p'Phayu." I spoke.

"Calling Phayu."

I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head as it rang.

Who could this be?

Who would put a tag on me like this?

Certainly not anyone from the company i just visited or anything.

I didn't leave any clues behind for them to trace it back to me.

I've been doing this for 8 years. I'm not that clumsy.

I started driving again, not missing how it followed me.

"Hey, Rain. Did you pick up Sun from school?" P'Phayu's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"P' can i ask you for a favor?" I asked, glancing between the road and the car from the side mirror.

"Of course. What is it?" He asked.

"Can you pick up Sun from school? Something urgent came up from work." I replied.

A second of silence passed before he answered. "I can do that. I just got off from the company so it's perfect timing. But is everything ok?"

"Yeah. It's just an errand. I'll be done in time for dinner." I assured.

"I'll take him to the garage until then, in that case. We'll meet you at home for dinnertime. Call me if anything happens."

"Mm. I love you. See you."

"Love you too."

He hung up.

"Belith, search up the number plate of the car behind us," I spoke.

"Scanning numberplate... Searching..."

I tapped my finger on the steering wheel as i drove, heading toward an area where i can take care of whoever that is.

"It seems to be registered under Rover." Her voice came after a minute.

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