Chapter 26 - School

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~ POV: Richard Bower ~

"Thank you so much for your time" I said to Mr. Thomas, the principal of Rhodes Academy.

Everything at home was going better than it was from the beginning. It was great. But not long after...

From the moment, I had even mention retiring to school, Kyla was not thrilled at all. She pouted like a little child. Kyla had to go to school; I had allowed for her to take sometime off, of school during to our family matters. however with things getting better at home that time off from school has long expired. I had her enrolled in the same school that Levi, and Mason had went to, where Ryder stills attends to finish his last year.

Rhodes Academy was a great school, where I knew that Kyla, along with my other children would flourish and excel. They deserved the best of the best in my opinion, and the best school for the, to attend to was Rhodes.


Next day...

~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

Today was going to be my first day at my new school. Yeah, no. It's not that I didn't want to go to school, I actually do. The thing is that this is a whole new environment where most people could simply judge me, just by taking a single glance in my direction. That's something I had kept to myself, the only person I told was my best friend Carter, but he had only tried to assure me that things would turn out to be okay. 

So, being in my most school appropriate attire: a pair of cargo beige pants, loose long-sleeve brown shirt and my beat-up converse, at the dinner table playing with my breakfast seemed like a better option to pass my time. I was done trying to eat food, when I was all over the place just because of school. I guess from seeing how I was acting, Christian, must have gotten the memo that I needed any form of help, so that I could get over my "fear" of being the new kid at school, as the boys were putting it.

Clearing his throat, Christian, began what he had initially wanted to say from the beginning. "Come, on twins, we should be heading out, so that that you have time before classes start."

Also, did I fail to mention that they had all, the boys, taken a sort of liking to refer to Ryder and me as twins? No, well, they did. Since Ryder and I had so many similarities to the way we acted a little and what we liked, along with how we just sometimes knew what we needed from one another, they found that we acted like twins that were separated from birth. I think the only reason they think that is because we are so close of age, but they seem to have none of my reasons. In fact, it only amuses them even more.

Swinging my feet exasperatedly, I stand to go gather my backpack. I take my sweet time going up the stair but when I'm out of sight, I book it to my room, not wanting to waste valuable time. When I see the time, after getting my things I stare wide-eyed and make a beeline to the garage; If I don't get down now, late. I won't be late for classes, I'll just be late to some exploring I had planned before classes started at 8:45 am.

When Christian, Ryder, and me are situated inside the car, we drive off. But, of course, it wouldn't be a normal car ride, if Ryder didn't hog the music

Once in front of the school, that looks more like a castle, students' busy themselves going inside. Ryder heads in before me, while I stay back to take in the view and my surrounding. Just as I'm about to go inside, I accidentally bump into two people. "Oh, God. I'm so, so, so sorry," I say as I grab my backpack from the ground.

"It's ok," a familiar voice says from above me. Straightening, I see that it's Leo; who offers me a wide, welcoming smile.

"Your sorry? Please, you probably bumped into us on purpose. You ruined my new shoes!" this girl that's on the side says. She has dark hair, green eyes, and tall, wearing a really short skirt and white top.

"I really didn't see you guys. I'm sorry, I'll clean your shoes for you if," I say but am obnoxiously cut off by the girl. "Your sorry is worth shit," she shouts louder, that captures the attention of other students. "She said she's sorry," Leo tries to defend me.

The girl dramatically rolls her eyes and stomps off. The bell rings and all the students make their way to their classes. I thank and say goodbye to Leo. I make my way to the office to get my schedule, to my relief I find easily. The nice secretary who introduced herself as, Mrs. Moore, escorted me to my first class.


So far my classes have been going better than fine. My schedule is pretty standard: first period is English, then Musics/Arts, after Physics, History, Foods and Nutrition, free period, and Calculus. So far my favorite classes are Musics/Arts and my free period obviously. It's lunch right now. Trying to find the cafeteria, I'm minding my own business when I suddenly get yanked from my forearm into the girls' restroom. I get whiplash as I turn to see who pulled me, it's the girl from the morning who I accidentally bumped into, and some other girls who must be her friends. "Look, I don't know what's going on but-" I start to question why I'm here, when she basically shuts me up with a zip motion with her hands to her mouth.

"I'm going to be doing the talking!" she whines like a five-year old." You made me look helpless in front of Ryder with my shoes, because of you he had to see me with my old shoes," she goes on. I swear she's complaining about some shoes that got one dirt on it, and impressing Ryder than other things that could be important; her voice is annoyingly pitchy that it makes me tone her out and not listen to any other word, she says.

She must have noticed at some point during her tantrum, that I wasn't paying attention to her that she grabs me roughly from the chin; just so I can see her. "Listen, and listen to me good, because I don't want to repeat myself... Ryder is mine, you understand. MINE! Look his way, get near him, or anything with him, and you pay" she warns. I still don't even know her name, and before I even have a change to think about it, I blurt out, "What's your name?"; which enraged her more then her messed up shoes.

Suddenly, her hand connects with my cheek. When I bring my eyes to look at her she's breathing hard, then signals her friends with her eyes in my direction. Abruptly, I'm pushed forward, followed by a couple of kicks to my side by the girls; I cover my face to avoid getting hurt in my eyes or nose. I loose time of how long they've been kicking me, when the lunch bell rings, alerting students go get to their next class, making the girls stop.

"Remember what I said, and follow them if you're wise enough too. And my name's Rose, just so you know next time," she says at the door of the bathroom just before she leaves. After Rose and her friends leave, I pick myself up and my belongs and go to class like if nothing happened wincing.


Instead of going to my next class, foods and nutrition, I go to the music room, where I know no one will find me. I want to be alone, where I know no one will kick me around, or bother me. Ryder and Leo are probably having a better time than I am with their friends, by not getting bullied over stupid things, like Rose did to me. My dad or Christian, Elijah, Levi, or Mason will probably get a call from the school, letting them know I didn't go to the rest of my classes. But I'll deal with that when it comes. I go to sit at the piano, and stare at the keys. My eyes get blurry with unshed tears, when one tears runs down my cheek, one after the other.

I will my hands to the piano keys and just let it all out.

Being stuck in the music room, time passed slow that when the last bell of the school rings, I grab my backpack from my side and walk out to the school quietly and slow. My body hurts, but what hurts the most is how they pushed me around like if I was no one, not a person.

Elijah is picking Ryder and me up. When I see his car, I slide into the back set and pull my knees up to my chin and stare blankly as everything passes by. I can feel Ryder's and Elijah's concerned eyes but I don't let it get to me.

I just want to go home




A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry. There so much going on right now in my life since I'm not going t school yet. Also, I wanted to be transparent with you all, that I'm working two jobs right now. Either way... I was think about making an Instagram but it'd be most about books/reviews' who you follow it? What do you think? Please let me know and I'm so sorry for the slow updates.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

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