Chapter 23 - Aftermath

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~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

Morning came too soon.

I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. My mind would not allow me to go to sleep; it kept replaying, Lorna and Brianne's words about my mother and me. They were so cruel for no valid reason that I could think of, besides being jealous women. The sad thing is that they judged me without even knowing what I've been through.

I heard what Ryder said to me through my closed door. I appreciate what he said, but it doesn't change the fact that it all happened on his mother and Lorna's end. I don't blame him or resent him for something that he didn't do.

"it's not like your mother's dead"

Shake my head and mind from those thoughts, I decide to get out of bed and open my door just a smidge to listen if anyone is downstairs. Not hearing anything, I just assume that everyone is still asleep after yesterday. I quickly get ready and pack my backpack. Trying to get Lorna's words out of my head, I decided that I'd go out myself; to have a day to myself without anyone of the male species that live in this house with me, who you might be thinking? Well, it's my half-brothers and dad.

I step out of my room, with my keys in my hand so gracefully attempting not to make noise. On my way downstairs to the garage, I thought I had did it; I had manage to not bump into any of the boys... however, I was sorely mistaken. Grabbing a pair of car keys from the garage, Leo seemed to magically appear before me.

Without wasting any second more, I pressed the car key's alarm to find the car and made a beeline to the car. As I got situated in the car, I rolled the window down to a now confused Leo, making a 'shush' gestures with my pointer finger to my mouth.

"You didn't see me. You didn't hear anything. Got it? Cool" were the last words I said to him as I made my way out of the garage to the main streets.


Not having planned out my day, I had stumbled on a small road with some stores. In a coffee shop, I had gotten a message from Leo, letting me know that he didn't say anything but that the boys were asking for me. I ventured into a couple of the stores, and ended up buying 2 books a a cute bookstore.

The sad part of this day is going back to the estate to reality.


A moment hadn't passed when I stepped into the house, when Ryder embraced me into a hug. his hug made me smile, and unconsciously I hugged him back.

"I know you went out" he whispered into my ear. I playfully stoved him away, silently laughing.

"And what about it?" I say sarcastically.

"Nothing... but you should come to the living room after you drop off your things in your room. The rest think you just locked yourself in your room," he informed me.


"So how was your day, Kyla?" questioned Elijah as I sat down on the couch after taking my things to my room.

If Ryder's interpretation of 'they think you've been in your room all along' is an underlying implication that they all know I was out is this... then I'm probably fucked. They're not getting anything out of me though.

"It's been fine, calm. Been reading mostly," I answer him nonchalantly. As I'm finished talking dad, comes into the living room looking a little tired. He doesn't sit on the couch until he spots me, his shoulders visibly relax a little.

"So... what's this all about?" I ask.

"I wanted to talk about last night, the dinner party, about what you said," dad replies.

"Look, personally I think last night was a disaster. But I think the best would be to avoid being in the same room with Lorna and Brianne, no offense to you guys. I'm mainly saying this because I'm doing it for myself. I'm sorry I took off, I just need to leave, I know when and where I'm unwanted" I mumble the last part and continue. "And I said a lot last night, so you'll have to be a little more specific to me."

After my little mini-rant, none of the boys say anything but when I turn to look at Levi who's sitting to one side of me; he gives me a small smile and shake his head. He then, mouths 'it's not okay'. I look about him, slightly confused.

What don't they get? I'm pretty sure I was clear and assertive.

"Kyla, what happened was not fine in any way. Like you said it was a disasters. It's safe to say it was a complete shit show. But please. Please, don't downplay how it made you feel," dad says in a softer tone.

"I'm no-" I begin to say but dad cuts me off.

"Let me finish please. Lorna and Brianne were out of place. They shouldn't have said any of those things that they did to you or about you mom. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't say anything or had your back. There's no excuse. You had every right to leave. And I'm glad you did leave. I'm proud you did, actually."

I'm shocked by dad's words. I never would've expected him to say this.

"You stood your ground. You did that by yourself. But Kyla, some of the things that Lorna brought up did make me question somethings... especially when they bought up your mother. I know I agreed to what you asked of me to not get in contact with her, your our child. There's things we need to work out if your going to be staying here.... Does she know your staying here? With me? With us? Has she given you permission to be here? Because Kyla, if she doesn't... she has to know. I have to tell her or you have to tell her."

"No" I say dead flat.

"What do you means no?" asks Levi.

"No, to what? That she doesn't know your staying here? Or no to she had given you permission? Or n-" dad rambles question after question to me.

"No!" I say as I raise my voice.

I can feel my hear beating quickly in my chest. I'm shaking a little, and it's getting a little hard to breathe.

"Kyla, give us something to work with" Ryder pleads.

"No, no, no" I repeat over and over again while my right hand cliches my chest.

"We don't understand what you mean, Ky-" Christian starts to say.

"Don't you get it you can't! You can't talk to my mom! She won't ever answer you, you won't ever see her because- because... SHE'S DEAD!" I shout as a continue to sob. I couldn't hold it me any longer.

I'm sorry mom.




A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't posted I've been so busy with midterms and final coming up that it's been a mess. I hope this makes up for it though.

What your favorite read currently? Let me know!

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter :)

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