Chapter 3 - Stuck at the Office

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~ POV: Richard Bower ~

Being stuck in the office, having to wait on some potential business partner was not what I wanted to do at on a late Wednesday night. I can just leave them, it is not like they're the company's business partner yet. I dismiss that idea as quickly as came into my mind. I took over this company, Bwell Inc., after being released from prison where I was wrongful accused of fraud that I never committed. The company I had worked for before, R & R, had schemed a fake fraud and blamed it on me, just so that they could get ride of me before I outted them to the all media networks of them illegally working with a substances and making business deals to steal percentages of their earning.

No one believed me. When I told people, I did not do it, they turned a blind eye on me. They all believed the lies.

I lost everything and almost everyone.

My five sons would visit me at the being. They too hoped that I would be released early, however I was not. A couple of months later, I stopped visiting although they would call time to time. The mother of only daughter cut off all contact with me when I was first put in prison. The last time I was her was when she was barely 4 years old.


I haven't seen or hear from her or her mother for the last 12 years.

Deep in thought, I barely registered that my cellphone was ringing. I pick it up to see that the caller ID is unknown. Having this feeling that it's important, I pick it up.

"Hello, is this by any chance Mr. Richard Bower, speaking?" the person on the other line asks.

"Yes, this Richard Bower. How may I help you?" I ask attempting to sound confident and not confused.

"I am Mr. Larry Haydes. I work for the Trukin law firm. It's sorry to tell you this, but I must inform you that your mother, Mrs. Isabel Bower, has died. I am very sorry for your lost," he tells me in a sounding much softer than before.

I am silent for a couple minutes, digesting that my mother has died.

"Mr. Bower, I am your mother's lawyer. I wanted to let you know that tomorrow her will is scheduled to read. I have to let you know that your attendance along with your children's is required. With your permission, may it be held at one of mom's estate?"

"Yes, of course. I understand, I will also be there"

"Thank you. Again, I am very sorry for your lost" he tells me at last before the call is ended.


I feel treats starting to brim by eyes.

Then I'm crying.

How could my mother have died? She was the only person that I had contacted with, while in I was falsely accused in prison. She was there, when no one was.

I already miss you deep...

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