Chapter 4 - Seen Her Somewhere

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~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

Waking up, I'm disoriented of where I am. This isn't my room. A couple minutes pass, and I recall all the events of yesterday: school, principal, social worker, will, and lawyer. I'm knocked out of my thoughts, by a knock on the hotel room's door. Rushing to open the door, I'm greeted with a middle-aged man. I look at the man up and down and notice that the man is light skinned, tall, has an expensive looking suit on, dress shoes, glasses and dark brown hair with some grey hairs.

"Um, how can I help you?" I ask the man in front of me. The man extends his hand and says, "I'm Mr. Larry Haydes. I work for the law firm, R & R, whose working on your grandmother, Mrs. Isabel Bower's will," he lets me know.

"I am also here to take you to your grandmother's estate, where the will reading, will be read. We will be leaving in thirty five minutes. I advise you start getting ready, I shall wait for you in the lobby," he tells me and walks away to where I assume is the elevator.

With Mr. Haydes gone, I start to get my clothes to take a shower. I did not bring much things with me, since I hardly had anythings while I was staying at the apartment. I also make a mental note to call Gina, my manager, to let her know that I will not be going to work anymore and of my current situation. Once out of the shower, I quickly stuff all my belonging into the duffel bag I brought, which mostly contains a few articles of clothings, and mostly books that I've managed to buy at thrift stores for a couple cents. They were such a steal.

Once I'm in the lobby, Mr. Haydes stands from where he was seated and makes his way to the entrance of the hotel, soon motioning for me to follow him. Outside of the hotel, he informs me that the hotel has already been paid, and to not worry at all. We then proceed to get into a nice black car, where a driver awaits us. Mr. Haydes goes to sit in the front passenger side, and me going to sit in the back seat behind the driver.

"How long is it to get to my grandmother's estate?" I ask Mr. Haydes, once situated.

"I will take us about an hour and a half to get there. In the meantime, be calm and comfortable."

How I suppose to be calm and comfortable?


An hour and a half later, the car pulls up to a beautiful mansion. The mansion is white and has a fountain in the front. It is so beautiful!

Getting out of the car, Mr. Haydes and I stand in front of the doors, me slightly behind him. A man opens the door for us, who I assume works for the house, and tells us to follow him. He leads us to an office, and says to wait for moment where the others with come. Taking a seat I begin to think.

I wonder who the 'others' are?


~ POV: Richard Bower ~

I'm in my room, waiting for Mr. Haydes to come when someone knocks on the door. Letting out a 'come in', Leo, one of the house workers says that everyone is in the main office downstairs along with Mr. Haydes. After a "thank you for letting me know", I make way downstairs to the main office to hear the reading.

At the door of the office with my hand on the doorknob, I take a deep breath and open the door. Looking around the office, I see my sons from my oldest to youngest: Christian, Elijah, Levi, Mason, and Ryder. To the side is Mr. Haydes, where he seems to be looking at the bookshelf speaking to himself? I go to greet my sons, I've missed them; even if the would visit me while I was in prison, it wasn't the same. I go up to each other them and embrace them in a hug. After hugging them, we stay quiet taking in our presence.

I turn to direct my attention to Mr. Haydes, his back facing me; I hear snippets of small conversation going one between Mr. Haydes and someone else. The voice seems to be of a girl.

"Mr. Haydes, I believe we are all present to go forth with the reading," I brake the conversation. Mr. Haydes, then moves to the side, bring to view a girl sitting down.

I stay stuck in my place. This can't be... Kyla, my baby.

My Kyla. I stare at the young girl in front of me. She looks so much like her mother, Mary. Her tan skin, wavy hairy, dark colored eyes... She looks so beautiful; there is not a trace of the four year old that would run around the living room yelling "daddy, daddy, come here!" She's grown up so much in the twelve years of me not seeing her. I remember when she would only come to me when she wasn't feeling good, or sad. When she would laugh so much that she's old her stomach pretending that it hurt from all the laughing, or when she'd smile so big at me that her dimples would pop out, one being a little deeper than the other.

Suddenly, someone clearing their throat is what snaps me out of my memory lane trance. I don't care who it was that cleared their throat, I go back to looking at Kyla.

She looks back at my with wide eyes for a few seconds, and then moves her gaze to the boys. She must be stunned. I notice that she grows nervous and uncomfortable as she shifts in her seat. "Fuck," I hear Kyla mutter, while the boys are about to sit down. I am the last to sit as I'm still shock to see my baby after so many years. My sons and daughters and here.

"Who is she?" Mason whispers.

"I don't know, but I feel like I've seen her somewhere," Elijah answer back.

"Me too" is followed by Christian and Ryder.

Mr. Haydes goes to sit at the desk. Kyla is seated by herself to the left, the boys and I are seated to the right.

"Okay, we shall start the reading of Mrs. Isabel Bower's will"




Author's Note: Hello! Thank you everyone for reading it means so much to me. At the beginning of writing this story, I didn't have high hopes or thought many people were going to read it. But you all proved me wrong!

Thanks for reading and I hope you like the story so far!

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