Chapter 8 - Brothers

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~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

I'm getting tired of waiting here.

What are they even doing?

Contemplating whether or not, I should just go to the main office where my dad and those boys or men, I hear multiple footsteps coming closer to the door of the room I'm in. The room I came in seem like sitting room; there was just comfortable chairs, two sofas facing each other, and a coffee table in the middle. I stand from where I'm seated when the door opens. The first to enter the room is my dad, then follows the boys.

Why do they keep being close to my dad's side?

"Kyla, I have to tell you something very important. Do you think you can let me talk, without interrupting me? I promise I'll answer any questions you have after, I just need to talk and explain things first, ok?"  he rambles to me.

"Sure," I lie. "But why are they here if you're going to tell me something important?" I ask as I motion a hand to them.

"They're apart of what I'm going to tell you" he says. I nod in understanding, even though I'm so confused.

"Kyla, I'm sure you know where I was in the past twelve years. I was in prison, for something I didn't do. I need you to believe me when I say that it was the most hardest thing to do, when I had to leave you... and your brothers," he says slowly and softly.

Did I hear correctly? Brothers? That has to be wrong. I'm a single child.

"No. No, I don't have brothers. I'm a single child," I voice my thoughts to him. What the fuck is he saying? He's insane.

"You never knew this, but your mother did. I had children with other women with before having you. I wasn't married to them. We only had brief relationships, me and their mothers. But, with your mother is was different; I, we wanted to be together, get married. When I went I went to prison, I didn't know how long I'd be there. I didn't want her to wait for me. She didn't agree with me, but I didn't want to hold her back. Leaving her was hard for both of us."

"She knew I had kids, and she accepted that fact. I have five sons. When we were pregnant with you, it made us so, so happy. I couldn't wait for you to meet your brothers, and me. I was the happiest. You probably don't remember this, but when you were young I took you to the zoo; with five young boys, I told you they were my friend's kids. They weren't. They were my kids. I had to lie to their mothers and them to get you all to meet each other. I thought if you all met each other it's be easier when I told you the truth... I never got to tell you the truth," he tells me.

"But all of this is the truth. They are your brothers. We're together. We can be together finally," he ends as he takes a couple steps towards me. As he comes to me, I take steps back. I shake my head. This can't be true.

No, no, no.

My dad looks hurt as he sees me not wanting him to come close to me. Then, the boys that were near my father's side try coming to me, too. "No," I say sternly looking at them; I still can't believe this, I just can't.

"Kyla, baby, I -" my dad starts but before he can sat anything further I cut him off. "No. I'm not your daughter. You're just someone who I just met" I shout, not even wanting to shout. He looks hurt, but quickly composes himself not wanting me to see him that way. The boys looks back and forth from him to me.

Hurt that I didn't know the truth, I feel suffocated being enclosed in the same space as my dad and "brothers". Keeping my eyes on my dad, then glancing at the boys every once in a while, I stumble back making my way out the room. Thinking that they wouldn't see me moving backwards, I accidentally hit my side with a chair, almost falling. Christian tries to help me stable myself. "Don't come close to me" I tell him. Christian looks at me taken aback and sad.

I can't deal with this right now. It's too much.

I manage to get out the room, but look back at them one last time. They look at me with a mix of emotions but mostly sadness and concern.

I need away from them.


~ POV: Bower boys (Christian, Elijah, Levi, Mason, and Ryder) ~

That went well. Ha. That went to shit.

We won't give up on her. She will just have to get to use to us. We're her brothers.


~ POV: Richard Bower ~


That went horribly wrong, then I expected. I didn't think that she's have that reaction of betrayal, hurt, and anger in eyes. I had thought that she'd be mad and disappointed in me, after all; I was so wrong. Honestly, I don't know how I thought she'd react. I haven't seen her since was 4, twelve years ago. Twelve years.

I want Kyla to not regret me. I want my daughter to have a relationship with me, as father-daughter. I don't want her to push me away. I need to speak with Mary, her mother, to discuss having Kyla spend sometime with me. I want her to at least get to know her brothers.

I feel like an asshole. She it's so hard to describe how she felt from looking into her eyes as I told her. The one emotion I saw vividly in her eyes, was betrayed.

When she went backwards as I tried going to her, I was like a cut was going through my chest. My heart.

I just want my baby.

I know she's not a little girl anymore, she's a young women. But to me she's my baby that I never saw growing up.




Author's Note: Kyla knows the truth now! Let's see where it goes from here for the Bower family...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, til next time :)

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