Chapter 17 - Spending time with Us

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~ POV - Christian Bower ~

After dinner, I had planned to go up to my room to catch up on more work. I was actually going to start on more work that just needed to be done in advance; I had already finished all of what I had to get done for today and most of tomorrow since there wasn't much for me to do and I didn't know what else to do with myself.

I am not by all means obsessed with my job, I'm just use to occupying myself with any work that needs to be done. I work with my dad now at the company that my grandparents had started. The company that they owned was, more or less, a little bit of everything mixed into one; we deal with electronics, clothing, to all sorts of retail stuff. We also have another small company that deals with commerce and international security. Yet, I try to spend my free time with my family. Family is a big part of me; my brothers have been with me for as long as I've been alive, my dad has been present in mine and my brother's life; he would try to make of the best that he could when he went to prison and not lose connection with us; he would try to help us even in prison.

With Kyla, it was different for her. She didn't have siblings by her side through hard times, or her most happiest moments, besides her mother. If I had known about her, I would have made it my goal and job to be there for my sister. I plan on making sure she becomes involved in this family as much as possible. She's now a part of my family, and I'm a part of her family.

While at dinner last night, I overhead some of what was going between Ryder and Kyla. All Ryder did was call Kyla a nickname; Hearing Ryder call Kyla, "Kie", tugged at me a little bit, how he's trying to include her and is trying to warm up to her. Still, she's not even making the effort to try to warm up to us or get to know us at least. Somehow, I knew that this was going to happen with Kyla. That's why I made the rule of her spending time with us; so that we can have a sibling relationship and function as a family.

Tonight I plan, on having Kyla spending time with us for the first time as part of the agreement, I made with her. At the beginning, I know things are going to be awkward especially her; but all I can really do at this point is hope things can go smooth from after this. What are we even going to do with her tonight? We'll just have to figure it out when we're all together.

Shit, I should probably let my brothers know of what's going on later. I'll just message them in our group chat.


😎 b. bros 😈

So, tonights plan with Kyla is movie night. I wanted to start with something casual and small for our first time spending quality time together. Movie suggestion will be then too btw. Also NO SKIPPING
- C

R - Got it big bro!!!

M - fine

L - Cool beans

E - Sure!

R - Also could we have snack too??? 🥺


Now that it's nighttime, I'm going to head upstairs to get Kyla for our movie night. I had called the boys beforehand so that they could help me setup but I had already gotten everything setup earlier. I just needed in excuse to get their asses downstairs in the movie room and on time. I even asked Leo, if he wanted to join us to which he eagerly accepted; don't know why though.

Standing at in front of Kyla's door, I grow anxious. The certainty of tonight is what is gnawing me. Still, a part of me that's a tiny bit excited is what allows me to knock on her door. I'm about to knock in her door again but suddenly he hear the doorknob turning and then I see Kyla.

This is going to be such a great night.




A/N: Hello everyone! I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for not posting it updating. School is just getting to me but hopefully I'll have another update this week or by Monday.
Would you like to see a love interest involved or some drama?? Let me know... till next time.

Hope you enjoyed :)

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