Chapter 15 - Changed Entirely

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~ POV: Leo Martin ~

When mom first told me that Mrs. Isabel's family was going to be coming to stay in the estate, I didn't think too much about it; or rather anything at all. That is until Kyla came. I didn't even know that Mrs. Isabel had a granddaughter, all I knew was that she had five grandson's who were doing well. However, from what I've been told by my parents is that the whole Bower family, had changed when Mr. Richard went to prison.

The whole atmosphere of the house too, had changed entirely. The house had turned bleak and dull.

My parents have worked for the Bower's my whole life. The Bower boys and me grew up together along with my older brother, Alexander. We're all family; I consider them my brothers too. Ryder and me are the closed in age and get along better than the rest; I was five years old when everything changed and went to shit. Anyways, the point is that now with Mrs. Isabel dead, Mr. Richard out of prison, and a new addition to the Bower family, everything is changing too quickly. But I think it's all for the better; I hope so.


Walking into the kitchen, I smelt the wonderful aroma of my mom's cooking. Her food is the best, yet she doesn't believe it from my dad, me, or the Bower's; She doesn't like the attention. Still, arriving at the kitchen I notice how much food mom made, it looked like a feast instead of dinner.

"What's with all the food, mom?" I ask her as her back is facing me. She jumps a little from being startled from my sudden presence.

"Oh my! You scared me! And all the food is for dinner"

"It's a bit much isn't it for dinner" I say as I lift an eyebrow.

"Now that I'm looking at it... Yes, but it's just that I want to Kyla like it here, and if my cooking does the trick then so be it! Plus, I want to leave a good impression with her," she answered me in an anxious yet excited voice. Mom is always trying to make good impressions with people with her food, so this isn't anything too unusual. Her food is the best.

The only thing that's unusual in the estate is Kyla, I think to myself. When I saw her at first, she looked like any teenage girl, I didn't think anything too special about her. Yet, when she gave me a small smile as a thanks when showing Mr. Haydes and her, to the office it had not reached her eyes. Seeing that on her face, I won't lie it intrigued me. Seeing as how she hid her emotions, but I caught onto them just from staring into her eyes; her eyes captivated me.

"I'll be back mom. I'm just going to go back to my room for a bit till dinner. At 7 pm, right?" I question leaving the kitchen sticking my head from the side of the door, to still see my mom's respond.

"Hmm. Like always, Leo; you should know this be now," she tells me with a sarcastic hint in her tone.

Leaving the kitchen, I see all the Bower boys' and Richard all in the living room. They're all there together talking; they seem to be having a good time talking to one another, unless their good at acting they they do. Mason is talking with Elijah, Richard to Ryder, and Levi with Christian. But the only one that's missing is Kyla. I had seen her before walking outside, I had thought that she wanted some fresh air. I should go and get her.

After looking for Kyla outside and most of the rooms inside of the house, I still go on to look for her. I'm about to go and see if she's been in her room after all, until I hear something. Trying to follow the noise, it leads me to the music room. Could it be Kyla? I think. Pressing my ear to the door of the music room, I hear the sound of the piano being played. She must have been fiddling with the piano's keys because she settles on playing a song; a couple minutes pass and I hear singing coming from the other side.

I don't want to eavesdrop but I already did it; so going inside and watching her play wouldn't hurt anyone. Right? Either way I open the door and step inside, trying not wanting to scare her in case she stops playing.

Self diagnosing 'til I'm borderline
I'll do whatever helps to sleep at night
Until I'm feeling like an island
Until I'm strong enough to hide it
What was I thinking looking for a sign?
As if I've ever seen the stars align
Somebody take over the drive and
Somebody notice how I'm trying
Somebody notice how I'm trying

Hearing her sing is something else. Something entrancing and I can't seem to take my eyes off her, as she play. I don't know what the song is she is singing, but the way she sings the song it like she's putting all her emotions into the song.

I never said it, but I know that I
I bury baggage 'til it's out of sight
I think it's better if I hide it
I really hope that I survive this

When she done playing, she closes her eyes and draped her head to her folded arms that leaned on the piano, while I look at her, admiring her. Wanting to make my presences known to her, I begin to clap my hands; she jumped a little on the bench a little scared from me clapping. Seeing her jump, does make me regret clapping my hand after.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Didn't know you knew how to play?" I tell her with a small smile trying to come off as friendly as possible.

"No, you're good, just didn't know I had an audience looking" she tells me, returning a small smile like the one I gave her.

"You're really good by the way. What song were you sing too?" I ask.

"You probably don't know her but it was by Gracie Abrams," she answers. Yeah, she's right; I don't know who Gracie Abrams is, but I plan on listening to more of her music to see more of what Kyla likes.

"Yeah, haven't heard of her. Sorry-" I go on but am shortly interrupted by her.

"Oh, don't be. It's not everyones cup of tea" she says happily to me. "What's your name? I don't think I ever got it."

"Leo" I answer her as I extend a hand to which she takes.

"Kyla, but you probably knew it," she mumbles back to me looking shyly.

She's not wrong.

"I should let you know that, the food will be ready in an hour if you were going out of here. But your brothers, will have called for you or looked for you. Didn't think you'd like that very much," I say and scratched the back of my head and looked down. I do this when I'm nervous.

"Thanks, was going to leave anyways too" she lets me know as she stands to go to the door of the music room. "Bye" she says as she waves to me and exits the room leaving me alone.

Wow. She seems amazing.

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