Chapter 5 - The Will

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~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

"Okay, we shall start the reading of Mrs. Isabel Bower's will"


My dad is here.

My dad, Richard Bower is here. In the same, space as me.

When Mr. Haydes moved and I saw my dad, I didn't know how I felt; I was flabbergast. I was probably even more than flabbergast. He just stared at me. He didn't say anything, not even a peep. He is in front of me after twelve years, and didn't address me in any form. He wasn't there, he didn't contact me; never called, sent letter, anything. It's like he forgot about me, and mom, and he's acting like he's seen a ghost.

What the hell is happening. I question while remaining quiet.

""If you are all here and listening to this from my lawyer, it is because I am now gone. I wish I could have seen the day that my youngest son, and grandchildren are all together alas. My son, Richard, although you have gone through an extremely difficult hardship of being in prison for something that you did not commit; I hope you know that I always believed in you. I know that you did not commit fraud. You have always been honest, loyal, and responsible with everything that you have have sought to do. I remember as a child, you'd go after either your after or I to see you could observe or learn from us. When you went on to college, I knew you were going to be bright; then, you went on to work and you were and are still going to be success. It pains me that I will not be able to see what you do in the future," says Mr. Haydes.

I look around the room and set my gaze on my father. Looking at him, I see his eyes red and his cheeks tearstained. Then, I see the boys behind him with clenched jaws as if they're not trying to cry. The youngest looking boy has glassy eyes. I guess he feels that I'm looking at him because he stares by dead in the eye, looks at my face and faces away from me.

I feel so out of place here. I don't belong here. I shouldn't even be here. Most of all, I basically don't even know anyone. Who even are these boys? What are they doing here? and why do they seem close with Richard?

It doesn't even matter to me.

""To my grandsons', Christian, Elijah, Levi, Mason, and Ryder: you are the best things that have come into this life. Christian, Elijah, Levi, Mason, and Ryder, I know that you will do great things in the future where it be in your business career in Chris's case, or whatever career you chose to follow, and in life. I would have loved to have some of you graduate, be successful in your future careers, change the world in the way that you all have changed my life. I missed you all when we stopped seeing each other for a while because of the start of the horrible incident with your father. I'm happy that you all stayed together despite everything. My Chris, Lijah, Lev, Mase, and Ry: I love you all dearly and will forever miss you. You have all changed my life in an immense way. You will all do wonderful things in your lives' and greatness,"" states Mr. Haydes as he continues to read the will.


They're grandsons of my grandmother from my father's side.


If their my grandmother's grandsons, and close with dad, just who are they?

"Soon, we will be done with the reading and will be moving on to the logistical part of the Mrs. Isabel Bower's will," Mr. Haydes lets us all know.

""And to Kyla, my granddaughter," starts Mr.Haydes.

"Granddaughter?" questions one of the boys. I think it was Mason, but I'm sure.

They all look at me confused. You're not the only one's that are confused. I raise an eyebrow at them, and return my attention to Mr. Haydes.

""My Kyla, dear, you are special. I knew you were special from the moment I saw you as a baby. It has been so long since I have last seen you; you were less than 5 years old, I believe. You were such a small child, but full of life. Every time you came with your mother, you brought light into any room you entered. You captured everyones attention. I have missed you so much, you have not idea. Your father has also missed you. I tried looking for you, but I had no luck. I knew that your mother, would take good care of you and raise you well. She always was an amazing woman, your mother. Kyla, I would have loved to see you again. I have missed you, I want you to know that you were always in my thoughts. You were never forgotten. My dear, I hope that do not resent your father. Your father always thought about you, as well. He wanted to reach out to you, but did not want to hold you back as you grew up since you were too young. I dream that your father, the rest of the boys, and you grow close. I love you, Kyla, and always missed you,"" and with that Mr. Haydes ends.

I don't really remember much of my paternal grandmother, but from her words she seems like a nice and caring person. She had a lot to say for all of us, even me; even if she didn't see me since I was like 4 years old or around there.

"Now to the logistics of Mrs. Isabel Bower's assets, she has her house in Connecticut and all other houses in other countries to Mr. Richard Bower; the townhouse for Christian in New York; to Elijah, the beach house in Hawaii; Levi, the villa in New Mexico; Mason, the ranch in Oregon; the log cabin for Ryder, and the manor in Pennsylvania for Kyla," Mr. Haydes says.

"What about this estate?" asks Levi.

"I was getting there," responds Mr. Haydes irritated. "As for her money, and financial accounts, each will be distributed to equal amounts to her son, grandsons, and granddaughter. Her wedding ring will be given to Richard, along with her husband's watch, each grandson will be given one of their grandfather's watch, and Kyla will be given all of her remaining jewelry. However, the there are terms in order to obtain these assets; You all must live together for a year in this estate."

What the fuck.

"You must live together. If by any chance one of you, do not comply to live together then neither one of you will receive the following assets, even if it was addressed to you solely. In simple terms, it is either you all take it or no one receives anything," announces Mr. Haydes.

"Wait, so we all have to be in accordance to the terms of the will or else we all get nothing?" questions who I think is Elijah.

"Did you not hear what he just said? It's either we're all together and agree on the terms or neither of our pockets get anything," I answer him a 'dub' tone.

"How could she even put terms like that?" says Mason.

"She can. It's her will, she can put whatever she wants," tells Christian to all of us.

"Besides, who is she and why is she part of grandma's will?" asks Elijah while aiming a pointed finger my way, gaining everyone's eyes on me. How lovely to have all the attention

This just got even crazier than I could have imagined.

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