Chapter 30, The Inspection.

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I was faster than Minho. I was teasing him all the way. We all kept laughing. Running made me feel alive. I loved every part of it.

"This way!" Minho said.

We turned a corner and there it was. The Griever that Thomas killed. It was like a Griever pancake. All the slime was spilled out and there was a puddle. I felt sick to my stomach.

I felt like throwing up and I put my hand over my stomach.

"You okay y/n?" Minho asked worriedly.

"Yea I'm okay, just a little nauseous." I said.

"Don't push yourself too hard, if you need a break tell us please." Minho said.

I nodded.

"Alright, let's pull it out." Minho said.

Thomas gave him a look but eventually we all grabbed a leg. Suddenly the Grievers leg moved up quickly and the stopped.

We all gasped and ran back.

"It's okay," I said, "it's dead. It's probably just like muscle memory." I reassured.

They both nodded and we grabbed a leg again.

"Pull!" Minho yelled.

We all grunted. The Griever didn't come out fully but parts of it did.

I saw a red flashing light inside the griever.

"What is that?" I asked pointing.

Minho put his hand in there and made a disgusted face. He pulled out what looked to be like a battery. It was silver and had the letters "W.C.K.D." on it.

It also had a tiny black screen with the letter "7" glowing in bright red.

"7?" I asked.

"Yeah, it must've belonged to section 7." Minho said.

"We have to take this back to the others later." Minho said.

With that we took off farther into the maze.

"We need to go to sector 7!" Minho yelled.

We kept following him and we found it. On a huge wall the number "7" was painted in blood red. We stopped and looked at what was in front of us. Then we heard something beeping.

It came from minhos backpack. Thomas went behind him and pulled out the device. The beeping was slow. Thomas looked up and walked further.

We soon walked into a cave looking thing. There was a pathway. On either side there was a black abyss. I sure as hell didn't wanna know what was down there.

We walked forward on the pathway. The beeping got faster and louder. Suddenly a wall opened in front of us. We looked at eachother. We decided to walk further and about 5 more walls opened.

When the last wall opened it was a circle shaped cave but inside was pitch black.

"What is this?" Minho said.

Thomas ran his finger on the wall. When he took it out the was griever slime on it.

"Ugh." He said.

"Griever home?" I asked.

"Maybe." Minho said.

"Let's go back to the glade." Minho said.

With that we ran back to the glade.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now