Chapter 34, The Password

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We ran all the way to sector 7. Before we turned the wall we heard mechanical whirring. We stopped on the other side of the wall. Thomas turned to look and quickly turned back.

"Is there a griever there?" Chuck asked, gulping.

"Yeah, but you know what? We can do this. We're gonna make it." He said.

He received scattered nods of approval.

"Teresa, go with Chuck and open up the walls." He said.

They nodded.

"Let's go!" Thomas yelled.

We all let out screams and connected our weapons to the griever. It turns out there was one more Griever. Half of us fought one and the either half fought the other one.

"Go Teresa!" Thomas yelled.

"Come on Chuck!" She yelled.

Chuck lost his balance and the device slipped out of his hand. We pushed one Griever off the side of the pathway.

Chuck ran after the device. He caught it but was about to fall off the edge.

"Pull me up!" He yelled.

Teresa pulled him up and they continued their run to the wall. The wall opened but then Teresa yelled.


"PASSWORD?!" He grunted.

My eyes widened.


"OH! AAAAA!" He yelled pushing the griever away.

"HURRY!" Chuck yelled.

"UH, 71526483!!" He yelled.


"GUYS COME ON!" Chuck yelled.

We all left the griever and ran. Suddenly it grabbed Minho by the leg.

"MIN!" I yelled.

We all ran back and retrieved Minho.

"YOU GUYS GO, ILL WEAR HIM OFF!" A glader named Jack yelled.

"NO!" Newt yelled.

It was already too late, the Griever grabbed Jack and threw him off the ledge. The griever started to chase us. The rest of us yelled and ran like hell. The walls started to close on us. The griever was slowly getting smushed by them. The second to last wall squashed it and the last wall closed.

We were all breathing heavily. I realized that my leg was killing me but I ignored it. Newt grabbed me and hugged me. He kissed me on the cheek. I hugged him back.

"This is it." Minho said turning to the Griever cave.

We all turned to look.

We all went in one by one. We all slid down and we're met by a door.

"Something tell me I don't wanna know what's behind that door." Frypan said.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now