Chapter 9, The Wound (Your POV)

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I walked over to where the builders were. Newt and Chuck followed. The whole time we were walking all I could think about was having to dress his wound. To be honest, I really didn't want to.

I know it seems like a cruel thing to say, but if you knew how horrible Gally was to me, you'd understand. I had no choice, helping others with a their injuries was my job.

As soon as I got there, Gally looked at me and rolled his eyes. He let out a groan,

"Ugh! Why is SHE here? Can't Clint or Jeff do it instead?"

I rolled my eyes,

"Trust me Gally, the feeling is mutual. They took the day off. As much as I hate you, I'm gonna help you. NOT because I tolerate, but because it's my job. Looks like you couldn't bare to do yours right." I scoffed.

"Y/n.." Newt said with a disappointed sigh, "leave it."

Gally scoffed. He looked like he wanted to say something back but he didn't. Thank god.

I took a look at the damage. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good. He needed stitches.

"Right, well you're going to need stitches but first I'm going to need to clean the wound."

He gave me a look of disappointment but he nodded his head in approval.

I turned to Newt and Chuck,

"You guys go back to work, Chuck go help Newt untangle vines please?"

Newt and Chuck nodded their heads and walked away.

I cleaned Gallys gash and I pulled out my stitching equipment.

Gally moved back a little, "I don't trust you with that." He said looking at the needle.

"Well would you rather have an open gash and get infected and die? Or would you rather be stitched up to prevent that?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. I took that as a "go ahead" sign and continued to stitch up the wound.

After 5 minutes I finished.

"All done," I said with a sigh, "try to take it easy, don't move too fast and keep your head as straight as possible. Don't wrinkle your forehead or else your stitches will open."

He nodded, "Thanks" he murmured.

"Mhm." I replied. I walked away.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now