Chapter 17, The Recovery

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I woke up, and my vision was blurry. I tried looking around but my head hurt still.

"Ow." I said quietly.

I heard a commotion, multiple footsteps.

"Love..?" Newt asked.

My vision was still blurry. I lifted up my arm feeling around to where I heard his voice. I felt his chest. He put his hand over mine,

"Newt?" I asked weakly.

"Hey beautiful." He said sniffling.

"Y/n?" I heard Chuck ask.

I turned my head to the other side of my body,

"Chuck?" I asked.

"Yea! It's me." He said happily, "Minho, and Thomas are also here."

"Hi" they both said.

I gave a smile or at least I think I did.

"I- I can't see." I said, "my vision, it's blurry."

"Chuck, go get the Med-Jacks." Newt said.

I heard footsteps and a door close.

"How are you feeling?" Minho asked.

"Like shit." I said giving a small laugh.

"You look like shit." Thomas said with a laugh.

That made us all laugh. I heard a door open,

"Hey, you're up!" Clint said, "Heard you can't see? Vision blurry?" He asked.

"Mhm" I said.

"Let's take a look here," Jeff said. "how many fingers am I holding up?" He asked.

I looked in front of me. It was still blurry but not as much, I saw 2 fingers.

"Uhm, 2?" I asked.

"Yea! Did it get better?" Jeff asked.

"Just a little bit, it's a tiny bit more clear." I said.

"Alright. My guess is that since the pressure from your head was way too much, your vision disappeared a little. This is not permanent and you will get it back in a couple hours." Clint said.

He sounded legit and not worried so I took his word for it.

"Thank you both." I said.

They checked me once more and left the room. The others decided to leave except for Newt. I looked at him,

"You should go get some rest my love." I said.

"No it's okay, I'm staying here with you. I'm not leaving your side." He smiled.

"But-" I said,

He lifted up his finger and pointed at me,

"No buts." He said with a stern look.

My vision had came back by then. I still felt a tiny but weak, my head couldn't be up for too long. When this inconvenience happened and I knocked out, something happened. I remembered something, something that would change my life forever. As well as Chucks.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt