Chapter 16, The Memory

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I showed Teresa around the entire glade, went over the rules, jobs and answered any questions she had. We had grown close over the day. I thought it was insignificant but came to the conclusion that we were the only girls.

After all, it felt nice to have female company. I really liked her. She was funny and sweet. Great personality.

There was a hut made for us girls. It was originally only for me but since Teresa arrived unexpectedly we would be sharing a hut. I didn't mind at all. I hadn't told newt because I knew he'd be devastated.

Alby told me I could still stay with him if I pleased but I didn't wanna leave Teresa alone on her first night. I planned to tell Newt the situation at the bonfire.

Teresa was excited for the bonfire tonight. Her and Thomas had took a liking to each other. Even though she had said his name, she said he didn't look familiar at all. I thought this was weird but put it aside.

Me and Teresa decided the hang in the dead heads. The dead heads were like a forest but a little more dark. This is where they buried the gladers that had sadly passed. But it wasn't just a graveyard. It had some bright sides to it.

Beautiful flowers, a small pond you could swim in on a hot day, trees, beautiful green grass. It was kind of like my space for when I wanted to be alone. Newt took me here on a date and I fell in love with it.

"So, you and newt huh?" Teresa asked lifting an eyebrow.

I started to blush, "Yeaaaa, what about us?" I asked.

"Aren't you like..a thing?"

"Yep, we are. I love him and he loves me." I said with a big smile.

"How cute!," she said, "I mean I definitely don't blame you, he's ho- CUTE!" She said nervously.

"Uh, yea." I said catching on to what she was about to say.

"Sooo, have you guys ever like.. ya knooowwww" she said lifting her eyebrows repeatedly.

I let out a laugh and she did too,

"Yes we have, multiple times." I said proudly.

She giggled, "Nobodies heard you?"

"Yea like twice but nobody says anything anymore. Everyone says we're the perfect couple." I giggled.

She nodded. Soon I felt a sharp pain in my head.

"AAA!" I said putting my hands on my head, groaning in pain.

"Y/N!" Teresa yelled, "What's wrong?! Should I call someone?"

"Please! UGH MY HEADDD!!!!"

Teresa ran for help. My head was piercing with immense pain, I was in complete agony. I fell to the ground and started to scream uncontrollably. I couldn't take it.

I heard running footsteps. I was crying and screaming.

"Y/N!" I heard Newt yell, "TERESA! GO TELL CLINT AND JEFF TO PREPARE A BED STAT!" He ordered.

I had my eyes shut tight, "OWWWW! UGHHH!" I yelled.

Newt picked me up bridal style and ran to the hut. I buried my head into his chest and gripped his shoulder.

"Stay with me love!" He yelled.

It was the last thing I heard.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now