Chapter 21, The sting

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I was at the deadheads. I loved how eery and quiet it was. It made me feel so calm.

All of a sudden I heard screams.


My eyes widened. It was Thomas!

I ran to towards the screams. I was getting closer and closer and it let me to the glade. And I saw them. Ben was on top of Thomas, and he was attacking him.

"HEY! BEN STOP!" I yelled. He didn't look like himself.

As I was running, Gally, Newt, Alby, Winston, Minho, Clint, and Jeff were also running there. I got there first and I jumped on Ben and threw him off Thomas. I sat on top of him and I held his hands down.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at him.

His eyes were red, and his skin was more pale than usual. He looked distressed and in pain.

"THOMAS!" Chuck yelled. Everyone had arrived.

They were all stunned at the scene.

"Minho lift up his shirt, Newt hold his hands down. Y/n you can get up now."

I did as told. Newt gave me a look but I ignored it. Ben was snarling, spit coming out of his mouth,

Minho lifted up his shirt to reveal black veins and hole in the middle of his stomach. Everyone gasped. I had no idea what was going on.

"Thomas what happened?" Alby asked.

"I- I don't know! He just attacked me!" His face was covered in fear.

I went to go hug him and Newt gave me a serious look. I ignored that as well. I was comforting my friend.

"Alright put him in the pit." Alby ordered.

"No! no! Please don't!" Ben pleaded.

The rest of the boys carried him to the pit.

"You okay?" I asked Thomas.

"Y-yeah. Just a bit shaken up." I gave him a soft smile.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now