⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯ 30 ◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆

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Garlands were strung above the roads of the village as music flowed into the streets. Bright yellow flowers were woven into an arrangement of chains connecting together at a pole centered at the village's open square.

Milo was chasing a stray cat with a few of the town boys. Alice and Hanna clapping along as Dowin held Irene and danced along to the beat of the tambourine. I watched from outside my bedroom window as Laurent came in.

"Ready?" He asked with a soft smile as he leaned against the door frame. I stood up, giggling, as I quickly adjusted my flower crown; every girl was wearing one today. The dress I wore was beautiful, but I was much more excited to see Donna in her wedding gown!

"You look nice," I commented, linking arms with him as he walked with me to the front door. He wore a dark blue linen shirt that fit his shoulders well and was casually tucked into his pair of jeans. Sleeves rolled up in a way that always made my heart jump a little.

"Just nice?" He asked jokingly, pulling the door open for us. "You always did think my back looked more handsome," he chuckled as we walked over to Alice.

"No, I think you look handsome either way," I stated bluntly, and he burst out laughing. "What?"

"Nothing. I think you are really cute as well," he said, trying to cover up his smile with the back of his hand.

I gave him a confused smile before I watched Dowin put down Irene. He helped her stand up on her feet.

"Go to mama," Dowin cooed as she took a step closer to me.

My heart leaped with joy at her first baby steps, and she was walking to me with bursting giggles. I caught her as she tripped, cuddling her as she pulled at my heart strings with her adorable smile.

I'm glad I'm finally home.

"Let's all get going!" Rifftan shouted from the crowd as everyone started filtering down to the beach area. Laurent put a mini flower crown on Irene's head before we all followed the others.

Flower petals marked the way as we all gathered at the shore. A large heart drawn in the sand was the mark for where the bride and groom were to stand.

Blankets with baskets of bouquets decorated the sand, and I took a seat on one. Leo, Ronin, Alice, and Laurent joined me as the others took their seats on the blankets.

I watched as some of the villagers gathered with instruments. Everyone held their breath as Herald made his way in front of the heart and faced us.

The music started playing as Dowin took his stand at Herald side. I took a second to look at what Dowin was wearing; his white suit fit him well. The embroidered gold accents along his clothes shining in the glow of the setting sun. Where did they even get such well-tailored clothes? They look stunning!

Everyone's head turned as Donna walked down the aisle. My breath hitched. She looked dazzling, her smile radiant with joy, and her hair freely dancing in the wind. The dress was tailored to perfection, and it made her glow with bright energy.

"Don't cry," she whispered as Dowin started to tear up. I saw them both try to wipe away their stray tears without being noticed. The music stopped, and the ceremony began.

"Do you, Dowin, take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife? To live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?" Herald asked, turning to Dowin.

"I do," Dowin said, taking Donna's hands and holding them, tears spilling down his cheeks. His happiness was making me tear up.

Donna's smile is contagious. "Do you, Donna, take the man as your lawfully wedded husband? To live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, is sorrow and joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?"

When Good Things End - A Novel Series حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن