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Irene giggled as the sea spray tickled her face. Donna, Hanna, Alice, and a few other people were gathered together. Enjoying the ocean view while watching over the kids.

"I never thought I would ever get the chance to sail on a boat, let alone this massive ship," Hanna exclaimed as she beamed at her new baby.

"Why don't you go play with Kiki? I'll come find you in the evening," I offered Milo as I spotted Kiki playing on the deck a little bit away.

"That's a good idea," Donna chirped in with a smile.

"I don't want to," Milo argued as he took hold of my feet and sat down. Alice came over, looking up from him to me.

"I'm guessing you're growing the family?" She asked, already knowing the answer. I smiled wryly. I definitely think kids are somehow a weakness for me. I leaned down to Milo as I tried to keep my balance with the rocking of the ship.

"Why don't you want to play with Kiki? You guys can be best friends," I stated. A streak of blond caught my eye before disappearing down the stairs to the ship's cabin rooms.

Leo. I should talk with him, see if he's alright.

"I want to stay with you," Milo smirked as he looked up at me. "I want to stay with Mama." He knew what he was doing pulling at my heart strings like that, and it was working.

"That's so cute!" All the girls squealed.

"Please..." Milo drawled.

"Come on then. I'll let you stick around for a while longer. But I have some things to take care of later, so you're going to stay with Auntie Alice later," I stated as he finally let go of my feet.

It can't hurt to have the kid tag along for a little.

"Where are we going?" Milo asked. I want to check up on Crete. Alice said he was feeling sick, but I didn't want Milo to catch whatever he might have.

"We're going to find Leo," I decided as I made my way into the ship's dining room. It wasn't anything too extravagant—wood benches connected to tables with some food spread out on a few of them. It reminds me of the orphanage in a way.

Flashes of being buried under the orphanage invaded my mind. If something happened this time I would be buried underwater. Pinned between debris. Unable to get out as the water dragged me under.

"Can I have some?" Milo asked as he looked towards a plate of bread and cheese. I smiled, guiding him to the table and snapping out of my daze.

"Enjoy the food, but don't overeat. I don't want you to get a stomach ache. I'll be right back, okay? I'm just going to talk to your uncles over there." I pointed at Rifftan and his men. They were at their own table, filling their plates with soup as I came over.

"Ronin was just here looking for you," Rifftan chuckled as he offered me a seat.

I pointed at Milo. "Not staying for too long. I'm going to check up on Leo. Have you seen him around?"

"Just missed him as well. He was with your other boy, Laurent, talking about someone in a worried tone," a guard chipped in.

"Thanks," I said, spotting Milo getting up. "I'm going to make some plans after dinner, and I'm asking a few people to help make them. Do you have the time to join?" I asked Rifftan as Milo came over. He held up the bread he was holding, showing it off.

"I'll come, but not as a guard," Rifftan said, as he offered Milo a boiled potato. "I would like to know what's going to happen even if I am fully retired now that my Lord is gone. Unless the time comes, I don't think I won't be picking up my sword for a long while."

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