when he is jealous of your daughter | JJK

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"Aeraaa, you're taking mummy away from me", your husband huffed as your baby girl was on your chest. Sleeping, while your hands were on her head and bum.

Your husband had his hand on her bum and under his head. Sulking over the fact that his baby was getting in between you and him. Which irritated him a lot.

"she's a baby love, let her be", you said tirelessly. "No, letting my princess take over my other princess? Seriously love? no", your husband said as he got up from the bed.

" let's sleep first then love your dad is just going to sulk all day", gently placing your baby in the crib that was stationed just by the bed. Covering the thick duvet over your body.

"Love?" Your husband came into the room to see his two girls in her bed. "Hmm, good night" he said as he kissed you and your daughters head. And wrapped his muscular arms over your curdled up figure.

2 a.m.
"Waaaaah! Wahhhh!" Your baby cried as you tuned on the night lamp and got up. You picked your precious angel up into your embrace.

Giving her some pats on her back. Realising she didn't stop crying you started to breast feed her. The room went quiet. Only the sound of you patting yor a baby's diaper padded bum was heard.

"Love?" Your husband woke up. To see your head thrown back in the beds head board and your baby sleeping in your arms.

Her hands were placed on the top of your chest protectively. Jungkook sighed as his little girl took over you from him

He took his princess off your chest and burped her. her head on his shoulder. Clinging on him like a koala. When she finished burping. He placed her a sleep in his arms, before placing her in the crib.

Then slowly lifting your figure down to under the duvet "hm?" You wiggled around waking up. "hey, it's okay, I burped her and placed her to sleep", your husband said.

As you sat up with your husband and hugged him. " thank you for being such a great husband and father for me and Aera".

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