nights with your baby | JJK

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"good night baby", you slept beside her as her eyelids fell heavy. after all the fussing around today, you can finally get some rest. your 7 month old baby is such a mummy's girl, it's tiring, even for your husband which in a way is "less" liked.

whenever your daughter fusses around it's always mummy coming to save the day. but can you really blame her. your husband has also been working really hard lately. since his father retired, he has given jungkook the position of CEO. hence the many more meetings at work.

but when you put seo-a to sleep, he helps around when she wakes up. feeding her while doing his work. you put your daughter down at 9. your husband works with his door open incase she cries and he can hear her. he gets up from his chair and walks to your shared master bedroom. seeing you pat seo-a trying to get her to sleep just a bit more.

"come here baby", he carry's her and walks to the kitchen making some powered milk.

after feeding her, he sits in the living room, patting her bum. before making sure she's asleep and putting her to sleep in her bassinet. just so that you could have more space to sleep.

soon enough your husband fell tired and snuggled up beside you still making sure you ahve your own personal space heading into dreamland.

unfortunately for him that didn't last long as seo-a woke up again. but this time she needed a diaper change. calmly picking her up from her bassinet he carried her to her room and changed her diaper. playing with her a bit before tucking her back in.

again he slept and again he woke up. he fed her somemore and at a point of time you woke up to help tend to her helping her calm down.

in the end to help your husband get some proper sleep you stayed up with her making sure she makes less of a fuss and kept quiet for a while. keeping her awake from 4-6 helped as when your husband got up at 6.30 he could peacefully get ready as your baby was fast asleep. you helped make him some breakfast and doing small things like making sure his tie was done right and ironing his shirt for him.

he always mentions that he could do these himself but sometime you just want to get involved in his life a bit. "love, get some rest, i will leave at 8, i can also watch her okay?" he wore his blue button up shirt and dark blue pants, tucking you to bed as he sat by his daughter's bassinet. watching the mini devil sleep. before kissing the two of you goodbye and letting you know that he was leaving.

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