bringing your child to ikea for the first time | JJK

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today was tuesday and your husband had to head to ikea to shop for some furniture. "seo-ah" your picked her up from the play may making her drop her toys.

looking at you with her bambi eyes she inherited from her father, with her black and white stripped top and hair in a small pony tail that sat nicely on top of her head. you brushed her baby bangs down a bit before bringing her to the sofa and putting on a paid of red socks on for her.

your husband which had a grey sweat shirt and blue jeans on walked to the living room. "ready?" "yup" you responded. you yourself in a white top and blue jeans. putting on matching family vans, you guys left home. walking down to the underground car park.

putting your daughter in her slick black car seat with toys hanging around. she was old enough to be calm on her own at the back so you sat in the front with your husband. his one hand on your thigh at times giving them gentle squeezes.

time skip
you guys reached ikea and you carried your baby and placed her in the cart that your husband pushed over.

"ah ah!" she jumped in her seat excitedly as you guys entered the huge lift. "mama", your baby cooed as a few strangers entered the lift. "it's okay" you comforted her since she can get nervous around strangers.

"i can go get the shelf first, you can bring seo-a around. i will text you when im done", you nodded as you guys parted ways. you walked around with seo-a to see a few of the bigger kids rooms. seeing some children playing around in them.

soon you walked to the stuffed toys section when jungkook texted you and arranged to meet at where you were right now.

"papa!" seo-a kicked her little feet seeing her father carry a big box. he placed it in the cart before picking up his little princess. "he hugged her close to him where where he had an arms at her bum and back.

"seo-a look! do you like it?" you pointed to the panda which was your favourite animal. "ah!" she pointed to the large tiger doll beside the pandas. "it's almost the size of you seo!" you spoke as you placed it beside her then in her arms. "you like it seo?" she just hugged it close to her.

after having some fun with her, you decided to tease her. "okay, say bye bye to tiger! he needs to go home!" you spoke taking the tiger from her arms. it took her a while to react to the fact that the doll she liked was being taken away.

she started to whimper. patting her tummy like she did to the tiger. "alright here", you gave it to her as jungkook put her in the seat of the cart. with the tiger in front of her as her tiny hands were placed on the blue handles.

"are you hungry?" jungkook asked. "a little" you answered as he brought the three of you to the cafeteria. ordering some meat balls and a bowl of spaghetti.

you and jungkook shared a plate of spaghetti that had meat balls on it. with the extra meat balls you ordered. you blew on some before cutting it into dices with the baby scissors you carry around.

placing some on a suction bowl that was on seo-as baby table. she picked them up with her little fingers and shoved them in her mouth.

you also fed her a few strains of spaghetti. "you like it?" you asked her as she nodded happily. touching her tiger doll from time to time.

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