Chapter Ten: Getting them the hell outta there

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There's gonna be some SA in this chapter and forceful!AiIchi. I'll put something before and after the SA part of this chapter so if you don't wanna read it you can skip it and still read the chapter. No rape, just SA. Like that makes it sound any better🧍

Byakuya watched as his daughter left. What his husband and daughter are doing would disgrace the Kuchiki family name, yet, he's not upset. His past self would've been. But he's not. He found it weird, maybe it was the way he never payed attention to his kids for two years or the fact that he had someone to love again, to cherish with all his heart. The words that Lilith said to him before she left hurt and they continued to ring in his head. Repeating every word. Over and over again like it was a mantra. I don't have any desire to listen to a man who ignored me and my brother for two years. The words repeated over in his head and he couldn't stop them. He didn't. He knew that what she said was right and he felt as if he deserved her hateful words and her hatred towards him

The words may never leave his mind but, they will teach him a great lesson. "Head captain Yamamoto, I think that we should put a team together and go to Hueco Mundo" he suggested. The head captain stayed silent for a minute. "Okay" he agreed. "Captain Kuchiki, Captain Zaraki, Captain Kurotsuchi and Captain Unohana are to go to Hueco Mundo and help the substitute soul reaper in his quest in finding his son and friend" Yamamoto orders. The four captains that were called nodded their heads and left to follow their orders.


Aizen smirked at Ichigo. "Looks like you're friends are here to save little ol' you" he taunted, Ichigo was breathing heavily, the top of his shihakusho was undone. Aizen ended up tying his hands above his head with a binding kidō. The kidō was bright yellow and it was connected to the floor, it slowly burned away at the flesh on Ichigo's wrist because of how hot this particular binding kidō was. So, between the choking, the burning and Aizen slicing small cuts into Ichigo's torso then healing it with kidō, he was losing his mind.

Sometimes Aizen would stab him just for the hell of it, then heal him, then kiss him, and then stab him again. It was a damn torture cycle and Ichigo's pain was the center of Aizen's joyfulness. With every scream and cry Ichigo wailed out was like music to the sadistic man who was the cause of his suffering.

Lilith's heart sank every time her dads screams pierced her ears. She clenched her fists so tight that her knuckles were white and her palms were bleeding. She cried and yelled down at Aizen to stop but that only made him hurt Ichigo more so she stopped begging and she just silently cried.

Ichigo has lost so much blood that his complexion was pale. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and his voice was hoarse from screaming. When he tried to think about something else his mind concentrated on his body. It was the only thing that he could concentrate on. Thinking of his husband hurt worse for a reason that he'll never understand. Normally Shiroichi would get him out of a situation like this but, even if he did, it would only make this worse and Ichigo knew that so he wasn't upset about it.

SA starts here

"You know, Ichigo, that it was never my intention to have you marry that Byakuya Kuchiki" he began "I've always liked you, I found it odd that I'd be attracted to a human boy but I figured that out a long time ago" he smirked. He moved his left hand down and under Ichigo's shihakusho bottoms and rested it just above his clothed dick. The boy under him tried to move away but with the binding kidō burning his wrist he didn't get anywhere. "Stop! Don't put your hand any damn further" he protested

Aizen looked down then glanced back up at Ichigo, smirking. "Oh you mean like this?" He mocked. Aizen moved his hand up just a little bit and slipped it into the boys boxer briefs. His hands were cold. Unlike Byakuya's hands which were always warm to the touch. The man's cold hands sent shivers up Ichigo's spine. "Don't touch me there asshole" the boy spat. Aizen smirked at Ichigo's words and moved his hand a little bit down pass the boys flaccid dick and stopped when his middle finger was just above the boys hole

Ichigo gasped and glared at the man above him. He didn't have the energy to protest, or talk, or even cry. His tears were all dry, his whole body hurt, and he just didn't know what to do anymore. He looked up and saw Lilith watching everything. He moved his right leg and kicked Aizen hard in the ribs. Or at least he thought he kicked him hard. Aizen didn't move, in fact he just looked angry. He moved forward to look Ichigo in the eyes as he slipped his finger inside of him.

Ichigo's mouth went agape and Aizen took that opportunity to French kiss the boy. Aizen slipped a second finger in causing Ichigo to bite down on his tongue hard enough to draw blood. "Aw man, I could've done this sooner" he laughed. He continued to finger Ichigo watching as the boy writhed in agony. He enjoyed this sight and this day will forever be a good memory.

SA ends here

The captains came out of the garganta a bit closer to the structure than where Ichigo arrived five hours earlier. Time in Hueco Mundo, the Soul Society, and the world of the living works differently. An hour in the Soul Society can mean a week in the world of the living but in Hueco Mundo, an hour in the Soul Society or the world of the living is five hours. So when Ichigo and Lilith left for the world of the living and spent a week training with Urahara that was only two hours in the Soul Society but five in Hueco Mundo.

It's not like that with years though. Two years in the world of the living is two years in the Soul Society. Thats just with the world of the living and the Soul Society. Two years is twenty in Hueco Mundo. So time works differently between these three worlds.

The captain's continued their run until they reached the structure. The building was big so the four decided that it was best they should split up. They ran into some enemies on the way but nothing they couldn't handle.

Walking around Byakuya felt a pressure all to familiar. He stopped and stood in front of two large white doors, opening the doors he was met with the crying eyes of his son. Walking further into the room he noticed the two people by his son's side. A hollow child and Orihime.

Getting the information he needed from Orihime, he left the room and followed Ichigo's faint spiritual pressure to his location.


Looking at Ichigo, Aizen smiled. "Looks like one of your friends are outside the room" he laughed. Ichigo looked at the closed door. The door between him and Byakuya. "Haha, and by the look on your face, you know who's behind that door" he chuckled. Terror rushed through his body as he watched the door slowly creep open, all he could do was watch Byakuya enter the moon lit room. "Byakuya..." he silently cried

Byakuya's and Ichigo's eyes met. "Ichigo?..." Byakuya studied his husband, his position to be more exact. His body was covered head to toe in sweat, Aizen was between his clothed legs, the top of his shihakusho was torn, making his upper half completely exposed, there was dry and fresh blood on and around his body but no injuries in sight. His hands were bound above his head and they were extremely burned. There was a hand pressed firmly around his neck and the boy was breathing so heavily and fast it was like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

Ichigo was hyperventilating. The sight of Byakuya was just to much for his body and mind to handle and he passed out due to lack of air circulation and massive blood loss. Byakuya and Aizen watched as Ichigo's body went limp. Aizen sighed taking his hand off his throat chuckling at the large hand sized bruise that was on the boys neck. He dispelled the kidō. He picked Ichigo up bridal style, he went to grab Ichigo's zanpaktuō up off the ground where it slid after he dropped it and then he began to slowly walk over to Byakuya. "Sheath your sword Kichiki, I'm not in the mood to fight you right now" he rolled his eyes starting at Byakuya's Senbonzakura. The man hesitantly sheathed his sword. "Why do you not wish to fight me" he asked, Aizen stopped in front of him and smirked "cause, I've already got what I wanted" he said amused

Aizen looked back to where Lilith was supposed to be 'looks like someone has already taken the girl, along with the two zanpkutō's she had' he internally sighed. Aizen gave Ichigo and his zangetsu back to Byakuya. "Can't wait to go all out against him in the upcoming battle" disappearing into the shadows, Aizen left. Byakuya looked down at his unconscious husband and gave him a kiss on the forehead, he'll have to get everything from Lilith once they got the hell outta Hueco Mundo.

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