Chapter Seven: Finding out

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Lilith, Ichigo, and Byakuya was sitting in the captains quarters at the squad six barracks. Ichigo helped Byakuya with the little paperwork that he had to get done and Lilith sat on the beige couch that was in the room. She starred at her brothers zanpakutō in hopes for answers as to why her brother went to the world of the living. His zanpakutō was very different from hers and she admired that, his hilt was as white as snow and his guard is an eye. Her hilt was as dark as a clear night sky and her guard was a circle with crescent moons on the left and right side of the circle. She stopped starring at her brothers zanpakutō and just curled into a ball on the couch. Ichigo walked up to his daughter and sat next to her "I just don't understand why he left without telling anyone" she sighed sadly, Ichigo looked at his daughter and rubbed her head. "I'm sure he had his reasons" he stated "well they better be good ones" she retorted.

The door to the room slammed open startling the three "Yo! Byakuya, what's up" Linzel lively said when she walked into the room. "Linzel-sama, what are you doing here?" Lilith asked the red head woman who just barged into a peaceful room "I'm here because I wanted to visit an old friend, but I've gotta tell you all something" she shrugged, sitting down on a second beige couch. "What is it Yore" Byakuya sourly asked, "pipe it down over there mister attitude" she spat back. "Don't mind him, he's just grumpy about what happened this morning" Ichigo sighed "so what's up?" He asked "oh right, I ran into Renji on my way here, and he told me something quite troublesome" she began "what did uncle Renji tell you Linzel-sama?" Lilith asked curiously

Linzel looked at the girl and slightly smiled "haven't I told you to drop the 'sama' Lilith my young disciple" she insinuated "s-sorry sensei, I forgot" Lilith apologized, embarrassed about how she addressed her teacher. "It's okay" she reassured "anyway, as I was saying, Renji ran into me as he was on his way here, I told him since I was on my way here anyway to just tell me and that I'd relay it to you guys" she rambled "enough with your rambling Yore and get on with it" Byakuya demanded. Linzel glared at him and sighed "well, he told me that head Captain Yamamoto has ordered a Captains meeting and that Ichigo and Lilith are to attend" she informed, "a captains meeting, but what for? And, why are we to attend" Ichigo curiously asked. "Enough talk, let's go, and Linzel I suppose you can stay here"  Byakuya said.

Getting up from his seat, he walked up to the table and grabbed his sons zanpaktō. "Let's go you two, I don't want to be late" he said walking out the door, Ichigo watched his husband walk out the door of his office. He sighed and scratched the back of his head "come on Lilith, let's go, we don't want to make you father any more irritated" Lilith nodded and got up from where she was sitting to follow her dad out the door. She bowed to her teacher and shut the sliding door running off to catch up to her parents.


Arriving at the meeting hall was stressful, between Byakuya's attitude and Lilith's anxiousness, Ichigo was surrounded by the twos emotional reiatsu and he himself was growing anxious about this whole situation. With Rin's disappearance and the failure in finding him, Ichigo felt partly responsible, him being away for two years and not telling the kids where to go and what to stay away from is his fault on his part, but, Byakuya also takes some blame for this too, after all, he did ignore the two for the entire time he was gone.

They walked into the room where all the captains were, and most of them looked as if they didn't want to be there, two looked aggravated and one looked half drunk. Byakuya went and stood in his respective spot. Right in between Captains Unohana and Kyōraku. Ichigo and Lilith stood in front of the door. They walked to the middle of the room and stood in front of everyone, Lilith stood behind Ichigo clutching onto his pants.

"Ichigo Kuchiki-Kurosaki, Lilith Kuchiki-Kurosaki, Byakuya Kuchiki, and all of the captains of the gotei 13, we have a problem on our hands" Yamamoto informed, the captains along with Ichigo and Lilith looked at him confusion written all over their faces. "Wha-what do you mean sir?" Lilith scarcely asked. "Captain Kurotsuchi will give you a better explanation" he answered.

"Well as you all know, there was spirit energy in the precipice world this morning, one belonging to Orihime Inoue, one belonging to Rin Kuchiki-Kurosaki, and one that we just found out to be the spirit energy of none other than Ulquiorra Cifer, one of Aizen's Espada's" Kurotsuchi enlightened everyone "is Rin and Orihime ok?!" Ichigo asked, Kurotsuchi glared at Ichigo "I was getting to that" he said venomously "Rin Kuchiki-Kurosaki was taken by Ulquiorra, and we believe that Orihime Inoue was taken by him as well" when Kurotsuchi finished what he was saying Ichigo stormed over to the door "Ichigo Kuchiki-Kurosaki, where do you think you are going" Yamamoto demanded, Ichigo stopped in his tracks and glared at the old man.

"Asking that question is foolish old man, you should already know where I am going" he retorted back, the captains glared at Ichigo and reprimanded him for his insolence. "You are not going to Huceo Mundo, and this is an order" Yamamoto decreed. Ichigo raised an eyebrow and scoffed "Like hell I'm listening to you, I'm going to Huceo Mundo, and you can't stop me" Ichigo yelled before walking out the door.

"My, my, what a troublesome man" Kurotsuchi shrugged shaking his head. "Dad! Wait up!" Lilith said moving to run and catch up to Ichigo. "Don't move another step Lilith" Byakuya ordered, Lilith looked back at her father and glared at him. She walked up to him and snatched Raito from his hand. "I don't have any desire to listen to a man who ignored me and my brother for two years" she whispered so that only he heard, she turned around and walked back to the door, walking out of it. Byakuya shamefully watched his daughter walk out of the room. Everyone looked at the door then at Byakuya in surprise. "Just what in the hell is up with those two" Soifon asked. "They have the desire to protect the ones they care about" Kyōraku stated "they do indeed" Ukitake agreed.


Waiting at the senkaimon for her dad to arrive, she sighed, 'I shouldn't have said that to him...' she sadly thought. "Lilith, what the hell are you doing here?" Ichigo asked his daughter who was standing in front of the gates at the senkaimon "I'm coming with" she said determined to come along.

Ichigo shook his head "you can't, it'll be to dangerous" he put a hand on her shoulder and she slapped it off surprising him "I'm sorry, but, I'm going" she protested "he's my brother and I'm going to save him, I could care less about Inoue but if saving her means saving my brother then I'm sure as hell going" she insisted very bluntly. Ichigo sighed and looked at her determined face. "Fine, you can come, but you will stay at my side at all times" he complied. Lilith smiled and hugged her dad "I wont let you down!" She happily said. "I know you won't, now let's go get them back" Ichigo replied. Lilith nodded and followed her dad to the senkaimon gates. Once the big red doors opened, they stepped through and ran to the world of the living.

A/N: For their guards, look up on google the symbol for Nyx for Lilith's guard and the symbol for Isis is Rin's guard

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