Chapter Nine: Sōsuke Aizen

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"Dad!" Lilith cried, "Lilith, don't worry I'm gonna get you outta here" Ichigo said, he scanned the area for enemies, and when he didn't see any, he started running up to his daughter. "Dad, look out!" She warned. Before Ichigo could react, something grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the ground. "Gah! Who the hell?" Ichigo grunted, "why, hello Ichigo" the person pinning him greeted. "Aizen"...

Running through the gray desert got the group nowhere. They could see a big structure in the distance but it was so far away that it looked small. They eventually stopped running and thought of a better way to get to the structure in the distance. They were joined by new found hollow friends Nel, Dondochaakka, Pesche, and their pet worm Bawabawa. "Why don't we just ride Bawabawa to the structure" Lilith suggested, everyone gave her a look then clapped their fists on their palms "why didn't we think of that sooner?" Ichigo asked, and the group just shrugged. They climbed onto the giant sand worm and rode to the structure.

Half way to the structure, they were ambushed by a hollow that controlled the sand. The hollow made a sand pit and sucked the group into the swirling sand. The group fell into long hallways, though they were separated when they fell, that didn't stop them from achieving the mission. Ichigo and Nel ended up in the same hallway, Uryū and Pesche ended up in the same hallway, Renji and Dondochakka, Rukia, Lilith and Chad was alone. The others ran into enemies in their hallways, they fought and defeated them. Lilith walked down her hallway and there were no enemies in sight. She thought it was weird but shrugged it off to luck.

She was walking down the long and white hallway. When something caught her senses and she stopped for a brief moment. 'That spirit energy...I know it...' she thought 'but who?' She questioned. She quickly realized who it was and ran following the direction it was coming from. 'RIN!' She internally yelled. Lilith was overjoyed to finally find her brother; She couldn't wait to see his face. He's going to get a good scolding from her once she does. She stood in front of two big white doors, she caught her breath and opened them.

She smiled when she met the eyes of her brother. "RIN!" She smiled at the door. Rin seemed overjoyed as well, but his demeanor changed when a figure appeared behind his older sister. "Lilith! Behind you!" He warned. Before Lilith could turn around and draw her sword, she hit the ground and the last thing she saw was her brother screaming whilst being held back by Orihime before she lost consciousness. "Heh, she smells like Ichigo" the man who knocked out Lilith smirked "and so do you boy" he smirked at Rin. He took Liliths swords and held them in one hand, he picked the girl up and tossed her over his shoulder. "You'll probably never see this little one again, since Lord Aizen ordered me to bring her to him" the mystery man laughed.

"NO! You can't do that! Please, Lilith!" Rin cried. He watched the door close and the room was engulfed in a moonlit darkness. He looked at Orihime with his tear stricken eyes. Orihime gave him a comforting smile. She tried to be strong for the little boy, but she was also on the brink of crying. She knows all to well what it feels like to lose a sibling. It's a hard thing to go through, especially at his young age. "We...we have to do something Orihime..." he sobbed, Orihime sighed and brought the boy into a tight hug. "We can't do anything right now Rin...I'm sorry" she said tearing up. Rin just cried more in the teenagers arms. "But I assure you, that Ichigo will find and save your sister, I promise you that" she reassured Rin. Rin nodded and hugged the teen tighter.

Ichigo stopped running, he set Nel down and looked around. "Itsago? What's wrong?" She asked starring up at him. "I-I don't know" he breathed "but Lilith...I can't...I can't feel her spirit energy..." he exhaled "but I can also feel Rin's spirit energy, and he's distressed" he sighed. Nel looked at him and smiled like she got some sort of idea "why don't we go in the direction that they're in!" She exclaimed. Ichigo looked at his hollow friend and smiled "yes, let's go" he said picking her up and running in the direction of the spirit energy.

Ichigo entered a big room lit with moonlight. He had his sword drawn and was ready for anything. He left Nel with Rin and Orihime, he told her to look after them and then he left to find his daughter. He walked around the room but there was no sign of his daughter.

Oddly enough there was a wall that didn't go all the way up to the ceiling and it had a throne on the very top, he also spotted a human like figure tied up on the throne. "Dad!" Lilith cried, "Lilith, don't worry I'm gonna get you outta here" Ichigo said, he scanned the area for enemies, and when he didn't see any, he started running up to his daughter. "Dad, look out!" She warned. Before Ichigo could react, something grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to onto the ground. "Gah! Who the hell?" Ichigo grunted, "why, hello Ichigo" the person pinning him greeted. "Aizen" Ichigo put a hand on his wrist and his other hand on his shoulder.

'Of all the times to drop my zangetsu' he thought while looking over at his zanpakutō. "Well Ichigo, it's an honor to see you so soon" Aizen smiled. Ichigo rolled his eyes and glared at the man holding him down. "You getting married to that stuck up man child and having two children with that said man child was never apart of my plan" Aizen grumbled, Ichigo's glare on the man intensified.

Aizen smirked and his grip tightened on Ichigo's neck. The boy under his grasp choked and struggled for air and small tears welled up into his beautiful honey brown eyes. Aizen adored the sight of the boy, he thrived in the look he was given. Pure hatred and dread, those emotions were Aizen's favorite. He wanted to see more, he wanted to really make Ichigo hate him he wants to see the look on the boys face when he realizes that nothing will stop him from claiming him as his own. And the look on the little girls face when she sees her own dad being emotionally torn apart and seeing her dad become so depressed will be an amazing feeling. Those thoughts exhilarated him, he smiled at Ichigo and leaned down to the boys face.

Ichigo watched him very closely. He was freaked out to say the least, his first thought was to get Lilith out of here but he'd have to escape Aizens grasp first. He glared at Aizen, he hated that man. He hated him with every bone in his body. Ichigo starred into the man's soulless dark brown eyes, he glanced down at his lips then back up to his eyes.

He saw the man smirk, Ichigo was confused at first but was taken aback when Aizen kissed him. He tried to break the kiss but the hand on his neck was keeping his head in place. Tears feel down Ichigo's face when Aizen forced his tongue into his mouth. Ichigo tried to push the man off of him but he wouldn't budge. His hands were pinned above him and the hand on his neck slightly tightened. He shut his eyes and balled his fist, but he ended up slowly relaxing. Aizen broke the kiss with a string of saliva connecting their lips before it broke. Aizen smiled a sinister smile and starred the pale boy down. He loosened the grip on his neck and watched as he breathed in deeply.

Saliva dripped down Ichigo's mouth and continued down Aizen's hand. That kiss was wrong and he felt extremely violated. He was uncomfortable and wished that Byakuya was here and he wished that all of this was a bad dream, but he knows that this is real and he needs to get out of this situation asap before anything else happens. Lilith saw everything. She was enraged that her dad was kissed by another man. She tried to get out of the bonds that she was in but failed every time. Not getting out made her even more angry, she wanted her sword but it was out of reach and so was her brothers. 'Somebody please come rescue us' she begged.

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