Chapter Twelve: This is Bad

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"You've already given yourself to me~" the man above him smirked. Ichigo shuttered at his words, "No! I would never" he adamantly denied. Such accusations could not be true. He would never give himself to a man like that. "Au contraire, Monsieur" the man laughed "it wasn't to long ago either, I doubt you'd forget" he smiled that sinister smile of his. Shivers ran down Ichigo's spine just thinking of that day, that time, he hated it with every fiber of his being.

"I can see that you aren't getting what I'm saying" the man sighed "I poured a little bit of my spirit energy into you" he informed. Ichigo looked at him, surprise and disgust littered on his face. "I didn't know someone could do that" he cursed. The man looked at him, "I'm not the only who has marked you, your dear old husband did as well" he said, sounding almost aggravated. Ichigo blushed a deep red. That night he had with Byakuya was special. But now he felt as if his body was tainted with large amounts of oil and filth. He could never let his beloved touch his filthy body so delicately ever again. He didn't want him to get tainted in the oil and filth covering him from head to toe.

"You have a sad look on your face, what's eating you up inside? You can tell me, I'm here darling" the man teased. Inching closer and closer to Ichigo's face, the man gave the boy a quick kiss on the lips. "Seems like we have a lot to talk about, seeing as how you're thinking of your husband at a time like this" he sighed. He moved his hands up and down Ichigo's body antagonizingly slow. He slowly slid his hands down the pants of Ichigo's shihakusho...Ichigo woke up in a cold sweat...

He placed his hand onto his sweaty forehead as he tried to settle his rapid breathing. That fucked up dream again he panicked, his thoughts were screaming at him, he tried his best to calm down but he couldn't stop thinking about the dream, what was said, everything. Is what that man said really true? He asked himself was he really "marked" by that guy?! He pondered. Thinking about it made him sick to his stomach. Ichigo placed a hand on his stomach and balled up the cloth of this plain white T. The sudden urge to puke came rushing over him, he got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He crouched in front of the toilet barfing up everything he had that day and then some. His dad was up and downstairs, when he heard frantic footsteps coming from upstairs then the sound of someone throwing up, he rushed up those stairs.

Sliding past the bathroom and hitting the wall that was in front his his daughters room, he quickly got up holding his bloody nose, walking to the open bathroom door he saw Ichigo huddled over the toilet, throwing up what seems to be, blue water?...he thought it was weird but he figured that Ichigo ate something blue. "Hey kiddo, you okay?" Isshin asked his son.

The brief moment when Ichigo stopped puking was when he looked up at his dad with half lidded eyes "yeah, I'm fine" he said before gagging again. Isshin sighed scratching his head with the hand that wasn't holding his nose. He left and went downstairs to the infirmary they had on the other side of their house. He patched up his nose and grabbed the thermometer from one of the drawers in his office. He walked back upstairs going back to the bathroom to see Yuzu rubbing Ichigo's back and Karin sitting on the sink counter. Isshin walked into the bathroom, crouching down next to his son, he put the thermometer in both of his ears looking at the small screen after each 'beep' "108.4" Isshin sighed out. The twins looked at their dad then looked at their older brother who was puking up nothing but air. "We're going to the hospital, we can't treat this kind of thing here" their dad firmly said.

Ichigo shook his head "No, no, I don't need to go to the hospital" he grunted out, his dad looked at his son's sweaty figure breathing heavily. "You're going Ichigo Kurosaki, and I don't want to hear another word out of you" he strongly opposed to his son's refusal to go to the hospital. He grabbed his son by the arm and pulled him up walking out of the bathroom with his girls in tow. After Yuzu flushed the toilet she turned the light off and shut the bathroom door. The Kurosaki family walked out of the house and got into the car laying Ichigo across the back seats with his head in Yuzu's lap. Yuzu placed a cold towel onto her brothers head, she tried not to cry looking at Ichigo struggling to breathe.

Was this Really Meant to Be (A Byakuya x Ichigo fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt