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On Valentine's Day, it was Taylor's turn to spoil Grace. Unfortunately to keep up appearances, Grace had a breakfast scheduled with Charles. She spent the entire time with her leg bouncing, restless because she wanted to get back to her house and see what Taylor had been up to.

Taylor had been planing something. While Grace went to dance lessons with her unfortunate fiancé or brunch with her mother over the last week and a bit Taylor had been around, the blonde made herself busy. She worked on music but wouldn't let Grace hear it which was unusual.

"Thank you for breakfast, bye!" Grace said to Charles as she took her heels off and carried them as she ran up the stairs. She went down the corridor once she got to the third floor and burst the bedroom door open, "Tay, I'm home!"

"Eyes closed! Shut the door," Taylor poked her head out from the closet... Grace suspiciously eyed the part of her lover's face she could see.

Grace put her hands over her eyes and heard Taylor's footsteps grow closer. She didn't peek, her palms securely placed over her face as she was told.

"I'm going to walk you," Taylor put her cold hands on Grace's shoulders, guiding her towards the closet, "I've been hiding this in here all week, you only ever shove me in here when you're mother shows up. Your Valentine's Day surprise was right under your nose, in your very own bedroom."

"What is it?" Grace asked despite knowing she was about to find out. Taylor stopped her as they passed through the doorway.

The spacious walk in closet with absolutely no purpose other than accidentally becoming Taylor's quiet place had some of the lightbulbs unscrewed. She strung red Christmas lights with thumbtacks across the storage shelves to match the holiday theme and placed down a loose canvas on a tarp next to some glittery gold, blue and black paint.

"Open your eyes, sweetheart," Taylor whispered right into her ear. It sent a chill down Grace's spine as she let her arms travel down, Taylor's hands went to her hips and pulled the brunette's backside against her.

Grace was grateful for the red lighting because she knew without a doubt that her cheeks were pink as she smiled curiously, "I like it... but what is it?"

"Do you remember that time we had sex on the floor?"

"Bits and pieces," Grace could remember Taylor shoving the donut her way and a few slivers of that night but not much, she was too drunk.

"I'm sure you remember how I love to paint and I'm pretty sure you love me so I thought maybe we could paint each other," Taylor had been concerned about the level of intimacy, thought maybe it would be too much too soon. She also thought about all of the intimate moments they shared, the darkest of secrets, the intense emotional confessions.

She wanted a piece of her love with Grace that was just theirs. No security guard escorting, no non disclosure agreement, when it was done it would just be a painting on her wall that only they knew about.

"You want to have sex on the floor in paint?" Grace finally maneuvered out of Taylor's embrace. She was slightly skeptical until she looked at Taylor and gulped, "Oh fuck... that is a very good idea."

"Yeah?" Taylor replied, she had been daring enough to slip on some lingerie while she waited. She had plans for them later in the day so it had to be mid-morning to give them enough time to wash off.

Grace did not answer with words, she replied with a searing kiss. Her fingers tugged Taylor closer with the shoulder straps and Taylor whimpered softly into the kiss, she had not expected such a passionate reaction.

It took only minutes for them to end up on the canvas. Taylor put some blue paint on the tip of her finger and traced it along Grace's cheekbone after she assured her it was non-toxic and wouldn't make her face break out. It was not how Grace had expected any Tuesday to go, Valentine's Day or not.

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang