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A week later, Grace stood proudly in front of a sleek and fresh shelter for woman and children. Apparently stuff like that helped with their yearly taxes, but she actually liked that they did good for people.

It wasn't all about the money and reputation, believe it or not, there was still a heart buried under the designer clothes and cold exterior.

She cut the ribbon and everyone clapped, the cameras flashed in her eyes but they didn't hurt anymore, she didn't flinch in the slightest. Charlie would have attended but he was stuck in board meetings with her brother and father all week, which was actually kind of perfect.

Because standing off to the side in a baby blue dress, the bleach almost completely washed out of her hair, was Taylor and her security guards. She made a more than generous donation to explain why she was there to the public and in hopes of evening out the karma score.

The press left after the doors opened and Grace went inside with the new operations manager, Taylor found her a moment later. Grace was rolling up the sleeves of her blouse, Parker holding her blazer for her, "Time to wash up."

"For what?" Taylor inquired. There was that feeling in her chest at that accent again, and god, the dimples, the eyes. She was going to have to sweat that feeling out, it was not an option.

"You didn't think we were just going to cut a ribbon did you? Keep up, Taylor, we're serving food to the guests," Grace went into the kitchen after typing her hair back tightly, somehow it came out perfectly neat. Taylor shouldn't have expected otherwise, "Wash your hands, this is my favourite part."

The Kent's had opened one or two or... two dozen of the shelters before, so Grace was very familiar with the next part of the opening process. People would come in and they would feed them, it wasn't a spectacular meal, certainly nothing like what she would expect her private chef to prepare, but it was something that made her happy and grateful for what she had.

It brought a little bit of humanity back to her.

"Oh, alright then."

Unfortunately for Taylor, her hair was too short to be tied back so she got the honour  of wearing a hair net. She did get to stand next to Grace though, so it wasn't completely terrible. They had on plastic gloves and washable aprons, carefully severing the food onto the trays.

"There you are," Grace passed the tray up to the woman who smiled and thanked her. The line was starting to dwindle, but they continued to make chatter with the patrons.

"I like your necklace," one little girl said to Grace. She had cute as a button blue eyes and the curliest brown hair.

"Thank you, I like your shirt," Grace smiled, her face softening. She had noticed the girl standing with a slightly taller boy and a woman who looked so exhausted in every sense, "My brother gave it to me a long time ago... Is that your brother over there?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "Mike."

"That's my brother's name, too," Grace told her, her voice a little shaky, "Is he coming to get some food?"

"He said we could share."

"There's enough to go around," the heiress replied. She looked at the two standing in the back and waved them to come towards her, "I made sure of it."

When everyone was fed, Grace returned to the kitchen to wash her hands again and get ready to go. She and Taylor hadn't spoken much to each other, but Taylor took the opportunity to talk at the sink.

"You do have a heart," Taylor teased with a short laugh.

Grace looked at her with feigned annoyance, "I have a cardiovascular system, yes."

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now