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Taylor's birthday seemed to sneak up on them.

Usually, Taylor was all about her birthday. She liked the parties, the celebrations and the atmosphere where she had complete control over the day. But that year, all Taylor wanted was to disappear.

Except she was in Tennessee with her family. Her father had made an effort to fly from Florida, even Austin made sure he was around so that they could all be together on Taylor's twenty-seventh birthday.

Taylor hadn't wanted to do much. The night before her birthday, Grace landed in Tennessee and met her at the apartment the blonde had in Music Row. She secretly brought a suitcase full of presents and Parker helped her keep them away from Taylor when the singer let them inside.

It was the last time they would be able to see each other until the New Year, the Kent's were throwing a huge holiday party on New Year's Eve as they did every year and Taylor was still tentative on whether or not she would be in attendance. She didn't want to piss of Grace's family, they didn't like her very much and she knew that.

"I told you that you didn't have to fly here just for my birthday," Taylor was sat up in the bed while she spread moisturizer across her hands. Grace was jet lagged and half asleep on the pillow, her forest eyes followed Taylor from one corner of the room to the other until she finally sat down.

"I wouldn't miss it," Grace hummed, "Are we actually going to sleep now?"

"You look exhausted, sweetheart, I think we should," Taylor shook her hands to get the wet feeling from the lotion to go away faster. She leaned down and pecked Grace's lips, about the reach over and click the lamp off.

"But in half an hour it'll be your birthday," the heiress whispered, it stopped Taylor from making the room pitch black. Meredith skulked in and pounced onto Grace's feet, Grace had gotten used to it.

"You can wish me a happy birthday in the morning," the singer replied, "You think Mere's comfy?"

"She's my best friend right now," Grace glanced down at the cat, "She likes me so much, I do not understand it."

"You're just the cat whisperer," Taylor laid her head down on the pillow, "You shouldn't stay here alone all day tomorrow."

"I'll have Parker. I'll alphabetize your bookcases while I wait for your next play in chess," they had been taking advantage of the apps on their phones, Taylor had yet to win a round of either game they had been playing.

Grace was going to let her win sooner or later, not that she would tell Taylor that.

"Please don't," Taylor blew air out through her nose instead of laughing, "Just come with me, I'll get to spend my birthday with all of my favourite people."

"How would you account for my presence, darling?" Grace liked that she could feel Taylor's hand under the blanket begin to fiddle with her fingers. The soft touches had brought out a whole new side of herself, one that deeply longed for them when Taylor was not around.

"I'll tell them that I'm in love with every single piece of you," Taylor did not look away for a split second.

"You should not come out on your birthday, my love," Grace squeezed Taylor's hand tighter, "It is a good way to have an unfortunate memory on your special day if someone were to disapprove."

"If they disapprove then I wouldn't want to spend my birthday with them anyways. My mom really wants to meet you, she says I don't shut up about you," she thought Grace being there would finally give her the final push she needed to actually tell the rest of her family the secret that had been burning her from the inside out.

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