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Grace woke up that Sunday morning to peppered kisses on her jaw. Taylor was not groggy but she didn't want to walk about the giant house alone, stopping after she cleaned up a bit in the bathroom and retreating back to the bed to bother Grace.

It was one of her newfound favourite hobbies, getting under Grace's skin.


"Mhmm?" Taylor trailed down Grace's neck a tad, careful to be more gentle than she had been before. God forbid Grace's mother ever see another hickey.

"You're more pleasant than an alarm clock," Grace finally opened her eyes. She'd been awake a few minutes but was allowing herself to quietly enjoy the affection because in her life it was few and far between.

"Even if I call you Gracie Ann?" Taylor started giggling in Grace's neck and the brunette shifted away with an eye roll. She could curse her mother for ruining the tiniest bit of happiness she had when Taylor didn't know about the horrid name.

She could probably curse her for a lot more than that, realistically.

"I'll take that as a no," the singer continued to laugh, "Sorry to wake you, I was getting lonely."

"It is permissible," Grace rubbed her eyes to clear the sleepy feeling. She reached for her water bottle on the end table and took a long sip, "I don't set an alarm on Sundays, no one inconveniences me."

"I'll keep that in mind," Taylor sat up and pulled a pillow to her chest, her chin rested on it, "You look pretty."

Grace smiled groggily, "Are you flirting with me?"

"Is it working?" Taylor's eyes matched her smile and Grace had to look away, it was almost unbearable to look and feel that sinking feeling in her stomach. The kind that had never made her so utterly nauseous in a good way, where she wanted to shout and screech and jump up and down.

"I do not do morning sex."

Taylor raised her eyebrows, seemingly unconvinced, "What about shower sex?"

"I could be convinced."

An hour and a half later, Taylor was sitting in Grace's living room turned television room. She made herself at home, flipping through the heiress' new Netflix account and adding shows to her list while her feet rested in Grace's lap.

Grace was unfazed by the position, her Irish coffee in one hand and the other on Taylor's ankle as Taylor rambled on about the programs and moved faster through them than Grace could catch up.

"What was that one?" Grace reached for the remote and hit the back button before Taylor could brush it off, "Darling, is that you?"

"Uh-huh," Taylor took it back without warning and continued down the many movies, "I did a movie with my ex-boyfriend a few years ago."

"We should watch it."

"It's embarrassing."

"I am sure it is not hardly as humiliating as you believe. I would like to learn more about the person I have been sharing a bed with, I believe this is a suitable method."

"Or we could just talk," Taylor suggested.

Grace scrunched her nose up in a way that her parents would've scolded her for a dozen times over, "I like the television, it is your fault."

"But it's my ex-boyfriend," Taylor mirrored her expression and stuck out her tongue with distaste. She had nothing against Taylor Lautner but the idea of sitting through a movie with herself in it sounded awful.

"And we ate pizza with my fiancé last night, what is your point?" Grace retorted and Taylor accepted defeat until Grace cracked a wide smile just knowing she won, "We shall decide on something else."

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora