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"Evelyn, please, just sit down," Grace's brother, William, instructed as she and Charles joined the other couple for dinner.

It was a Friday night and Grace was just itching to return home, she could already imagine Taylor making herself comfortable while anticipating her return. Taylor had been sneaking into bed with her every single night since she flew back from New York, and Grace couldn't get enough.

They didn't do anything of particular interest or importance, it was mostly sex and sleeping since it was risky to have Taylor around during the day. The risk made it a little hotter, but it wasn't worth blowing up either of their lives. Not yet, at least.

Her sister-in-law was trying to find where the good gravy boat had gone, not that she had cooked (or even needed it), but she had been searching cupboards for minutes which stalled the rest of them eating.

"It is probably in the cabinet next to the good china," Grace offered as she got up from the table and left the dining room, thinking back to where the staff had put her own. She opened the cupboard in the kitchen next to the display of plates and pulled it out before Evelyn could even get across the kitchen once she put the baking sheets back in.

"Thank you," Evelyn took it and left it on the countertop.

Grace nodded and went back to the dining room. William's butler was about to pull her chair out for her when she did it herself, sitting next to Charlie with her elbows on the table, "The chicken looks nice."

"Grace," Charles eyed her posture. She suddenly corrected it, for a moment she was too comfortable in her own skin.

Evelyn was a petite woman with long blonde hair. She had dull blue eyes and freckles across her cheeks. Like Grace's brown haired brother, she adored the lifestyle they lived, she and William were a seemingly perfect match. They were the one case where she considered that an arranged marriage might have been a good thing, if she didn't suspect her brother was just like her father and took his assistant to bed on occasion.

"Grace, you look happy..." William said it with suspicion as Evelyn sat down. She didn't even need a gravy boat so no one could understand why it was important for her to search for it at that particular moment.

"I am happy," the heiress replied, putting on her best smile, "With Charles at school all week, distance just makes the heart grow fonder."

Distance did make her more fond of him, only not in the way it was supposed to.

"I love how much you two love each other," Evelyn said with a content sigh, "I remember when you started courting and now I cannot believe the wedding is only eight months away!"

"Only eight months, dear," Grace grinned as she looked at her fiancé, it was second nature, "I am on the edge of my seat."

"As am I," he cleared his throat as he cut into his chicken, "I am beyond thrilled about being legally bound to you for all of eternity."

Grace chuckled softly before she used her salad fork to stab into the lettuce, "All of eternity with you, it cannot possibly come soon enough!"

"William, they are just the most precious thing," Evelyn smiled proudly, as if she had personally set them up.

When Grace and Charles returned home after the extremely tiring and long hundred step walk from front gate to front gate, Grace thanked Mathers for taking her jacket and asked where Taylor had made herself comfortable.

"I believe she is in the library, however it has been a while since I saw her last," the butler explained. He kept good tabs on everyone in the house but there was only so much he could do.

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