Whatever he sat down in front of her was not something most teenage boys would know how to cook. He was a chef.

He didn't notice her reaction as he fetched them both a drink and sat down across from her.

"Use your knife and cut down the middle so that the yolk coats everything."

He showed her how, then he started eating.

He was nearly halfway through his before she'd even taken her first bite. Once she did, it was so good that she was shocked. It took her a moment to get to her next bite.

"I need you to be wrong. I'm not saying I'm the answer. Obviously I'm not, but I need something or someone to fix you. To save you. I've gone to your father twice trying to get him to get you help. Hell, I even mentioned how much trouble you were having out of Piper."

She stilled.

"He said you're fine, so I talked to the school counselor__."

"Mr. Neilson? You're the reason he's been calling me into his office at least once a week?"

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"Mind your own business. I'm not kidding. Just stop, Noah. You have your own problems. You have school and football. Your brother. Next year you'll go off to college. Stop wasting your time on me. You were going to break up with me the other night. Why didn't you? What did you see that stopped you?"

He looked at her. "Nothing."

"Then why didn't you do it?"

"It was your mom's birthday. I was worried that when you realized you'd forgotten it, you were going to be upset and need someone."

"I haven't let myself remember her birthday in years."

"You look like her right now. It's been a long time since I've seen you let your hair be curly."

"The pool and no straightener. Piper hates my curly hair." She sounded so sad and pathetic that she shoved a bite of food in her mouth.

"Piper is a jealous bitch. She wants everything you have."

"She already has it. And she can have it."

"No, she doesn't. She doesn't have your grace. Or your sense of humor. Which can be painful sometimes. She isn't as beautiful as you are. Even she knows she can't be you."

"Have you slept with her yet? Because if you haven't, she'll be coming for you."

"She tried when we first started dating, and I persuaded her not to try again."

"What did you do?"

"Not everyone is scared of her. If anything, she's scared of me."

"I swear I don't know who you are." She shook her head in shock. "Will it make it easier on you if I break up with you? If so, then___."

"Why break up at all? Our fathers still like us together. Friday there's another one of those fucking parties. If you have to have a date, it might as well be me. Though you should know that I'm not going to sit back and watch you destroy yourself anymore. I'm tired of being silent. You should give it a try."

Her hand shook. "I need a cigarette."

He eyed her for a moment, then he reached behind him into a drawer and brought out her pack and her lighter. "I knew I had to keep these close. I hate those damn things."

"Piper says it will keep guys from wanting to kiss me."

"If that's why you smoke them, then you might as well stop. I still want to kiss you."

Her hand shook more.

"It doesn't say much for you that you want to keep a girlfriend that is tied for third place in a sex game."

"No, it doesn't. You're better than that game, Quinn. You're better than sleeping your way through life."

"I like it. It's the only time I feel ..."

"Anything?" He asked when her voice trailed off.

"Are we going to do it again before I leave?"

His look was sad. "Sex isn't the answer."

"Maybe not, but you like it, don't you? I heard you were all over Jensen's cousin."

He leaned in closer, making sure he had her attention. "She's pretty good. She actually talked to me before and after. There was no time limit, and I could kiss her and look at her all I wanted to."

"Then take her to my father's party."

Instead of answering, he grabbed both their plates and sat them by the sink, then he came around to her side of the table.

Standing close, he took her cigarette from her and flicked it into the sink.

He didn't touch her, but he was standing close enough he should have been. Her eyes did an involuntary sweep of his chest and arms.

"This is the most you've talked to me in a long time. I see you, Quinn, and it's been a long time since I've seen you."

"I want to break up." She tried not to sound as nervous as she was.

He pulled her shirt up over her head. "Are you sure about that?"

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