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5 years later...
On the flight back to Barcelona, my heart was pounding. Every time I looked out of the window, I told myself that it was a mistake to come back here but I didn't have a choice. I was here for one reason only: Sira and Ferran's wedding. They got back together not too long after I left. It took them so long to get engaged and married but they are finally so happy now.

"Mom, when are we going to arrive?"

"Soon, my love. Only in a few minutes," I told Rafael, my son while brushing his hair with my fingers.

Each time I looked at him, he reminded me of Pedri. He looked exactly like him when he was younger. The same straight hair and big eyes on a round face.

I knew it was a mistake to leave Pedri that morning. He never knew that he had a son and I don't know how his life is right now. Thinking about him gave me chills. I don't know if I want Pedri to know that Rafael is his son. At least I named Rafael with my last name but he looked exactly like Pedri.

The last 5 years in Londo were hard. I had to raise a boy all on my own. I was pregnant all on my own and delivered this boy with no one by my side other than my mother who flew in a few days before I went into labour. It was hard and each day I wanted to call Pedri but I couldn't. Sira, Ferran and Pablo knew that I had a child but they hid it from Pedri since they never brought my name around him. They don't know who the father is, I only told them that I met someone in London and it was a one-night thing. It was hard to make them believe me but I was able to after a few tries. Rafael loved his uncles and aunt. He knew them because of face time and Sira and Ferran came once to visit me when they had a week off. I guess Pedri didn't even want to hear my name in Barcelona. He wasn't talking about me to anyone. The only thing I knew about him was that he hated me. And he has a right to.

There were of course a few times when Rafael would ask me who his father was and why he wasn't with us. It was hard for me to answer him because I didn't want to lie to my child or make him feel left out. I would only tell him that his father lived far away and had a lot of work to do. I told him that he was a football player and showed him pictures of Pedri so that he knew that his father existed.

I was glad the boys stayed with FC Barcelona after all this time. They were still the three of them, just like brothers. Pablo told me that he bought a house close to Pedri and I knew that Sira and Ferran moved in together.

I was still working in the same position but with a different team in Londo. I was living in a two-bedroom apartment and trying to survive every day. The only thing that made me feel at peace was to look into my son's eyes and see Pedri in them.

Rafael was still playing with the toys that I brought with me when they announced that the airplane was landing. I made sure Rafael's seat belt was properly locked and held his tiny hand into mine.

It took us a few hours before we were able to leave the airport. It was different now to travel with a child. As we walked out of the doors, I received a text message from Ferran saying where he was waiting. I walked with Rafael, holding his hand in mine and the suitcases in another hand. I looked at my son who seemed to love Barcelona as much as I do. I missed it here.

"Aunt Sira, Uncle Ferran!" Rafael screamed while releasing my hand and running toward my two best friends.

My smile grew bigger as I watched them hug each other. Sira was so happy to see my son and Ferran was staring at him in such a caring way.

I walked toward them and Sira instantly jumped into my arms.

"I missed you, sis," she told me while hugging me tighter.

"I missed you too, so much," I answered while feeling my eyes tear up.

"I don't want you to leave again to Londo," Sira whispered.

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