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The drive was silent. I don't live far from the stadium so the drive was fast. The whole time I was looking at the city from my window, enjoying every bit of the view. I looked back at Pedri who was looking forward and I started at him. The way his hair was placed, his small face twitched, the way his beard was shaved.

"Why didn't you leave?" I asked him with curiosity.

He looked at me and our eyes met for a second before they went back on the road.

"I wasn't going to leave you...I would never leave any girl at night. It's common sense."

I think I regret asking this question.

"Why did he take your car?" Pedri asked me while avoiding saying my boyfriend's name.

"It has been a routine now. Every day he takes my car and drops me off to work and then in the evening he comes and picks me up." I answered confidently.

"Doesn't he have a car?" Pedri asked me without looking at me this time.

I waited a few seconds before answering his question.

"Yeah, he does. He just doesn't use it."

"Victoria, who pays the gas?"

I frowned my eyebrows. What. Why is asking me that? Pedri stopped the car when I noticed that we had arrived at my street. He turned to face me while I was unbuckling my seat belt.

"I usually pay for the gas since it's my car." I answered still confused.

"Why?" I asked.

"I will tell you why but don't get mad, okay?"

I nodded and Pedri turned back to face the road in front of us. He stayed silent for a few seconds before saying "What if your... what if he is using you. Like for your money."

I opened my eyes widely. What did he just say? Pedri didn't even dare to look at me and kept staring at the empty and dark road.

"You so messed up in the head!" I screamed while shaking my head. Esteban would never.


"Shut up. Shut up. Don't you dare talk to me! Ever again. Do you know who is Esteban? He makes more money than me. Why the hell...Why the hell would he want my money...huh! Stop fucking getting in the way of my relationship. Stop. Just stop."

Pedri looked at me.

"It was a mistake getting in your car. I would have preferred to walk alone in the dark." I added. I got out of his car and slammed the door. When I looked back before entering my apartment complex, Pedri was already driving away. He didn't even wait for me to get inside.


This girl...she is insane. I am the one who is messed up in the head! She should look into a damn mirror. Every time I am thinking that Victoria could be a good person with a good heart, she shows me the goddamn opposite. She is just like her fucking asshole boyfriend.

I should have never offered her a ride.


I was so pissed when I got back home that I slammed the door once again. Esteban wasn't there. Where the fuck is he? He took my car and didn't even come back home. I sat on the couch and called him I don't even know how many times until I ended up sobbing. Letting all my tears out. All the nerves and stress. Pedri...this devil is ruining my life.

I then went into my room and changed into comfy clothes. The voice of Pedri kept going on in my mind. "What if he is using you. Like for your money." There was no way Esteban would do that. The real question is why would he, if he has this work that pays 10 times more than mine. Pedri was lying. Since the first time he met Esteban, he hated him. Of course, he will keep telling lies about him.

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