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My heart was beating so fast that I was scared Victoria would hear it. She was looking deeply into my eyes. I loved her brown eyes and the way she had done her hair and makeup. I loved her scent that I could recognize. I loved everything about her.

I couldn't help but notice the bandage on her arm, still present. I knew that each time I looked at it, she felt uncomfortable. I just wanted her to tell me the truth, to stop avoiding it.

I wish I could still be angry at Pedri after what he did yesterday in front of the group of people with cameras. But I couldn't. It was stronger than me.

"Is your arm doing better?" He asked me.

I loved the way he cared about me, but he had to stop.

"My arm is perfectly fine Pedri. You don't need to ask me about it. It's healing, just give it time," I answered rudely.

I looked away from his eyes because it was too painful.

"Where is everyone?" I asked faking my confidence.

Pedri started walking away so I followed him. His house was even bigger than I thought it was. We walked through the first floor to finally reach the kitchen where his mom was cooking dinner with Sira.

There was a glass door next to them, where I could see Pedri's large backyard, filled with grass and a beautiful view of the city, of Barcelona.

"Hello," Pedri's mother said when she saw me.

"Hi," I said louder while hugging her and then Sira.

"Let me help you guys," I said while walking over to the sink to wash my hands.

Pedri didn't say a word. He just looked at me helping his mother and my best friend. After a few minutes, he finally gained back his senses and walked outside to the backyard, where his father and his three brothers were at.

I waved hello to everyone from the kitchen before resuming my work. Pedri's mother insisted on me not helping her but I wanted to. Cooking was my favourite thing to do when I liked to be at peace. It was a method for me to stop thinking about my problems. It was my therapy.

When dinner was finally ready, Pedri and Gavi prepared the table and we all sat down to eat. I was sitting between Pedri's mother and his brother. Accros of me was Pedri. I enjoyed his family more than I enjoyed him. To me, they were my family. We opened up about different topics, mostly about our childhoods. Pedri's parents were telling me about their city and the restaurant they own. I loved hearing them talk and I felt closer to them.

After dinner, we all cleaned up and sat down in the living room. While everyone was having a conversation, Ferran who was next to me, placed his hand on mine.

"How is everything going? It has been a long time since we have talked Victoria."

I nodded.

"I know. It's been great...I mean normal. Nothing has changed. Just the same routine."

"You don't look happy."

"I am. I promise you I am," I lied to reassure him.

He hugged me tightly and it made me smile to know that I always have Ferran by my side. Even if I already knew that it's nice to have it as a reminder sometimes. I loved the way Sira looked at us each time we hugged. I understood her feeling full of happiness, knowing that the two people she loved the most in this world got along.

After a few hours of talking with everyone but Pedri, it was getting dark outside. I looked at my phone and noticed the many messages I had received from Esteban.

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