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Victoria has been living in Barcelona for over a year now. She had done her studies in her childhood town and had moved to Barcelona, her dream city, to work with her dream team: FC Barcelona. Her job is to manage the feminine football team, everything related to the social and marketing part of it. She also has to work with the masculine team manager to combine their work and sometimes create events for the players. Victoria has loved her job since the first day she stepped into the Camp Nou stadium.

There was also another reason why she chose to work in Barcelona. It was because of a promise she made 5 years ago to her best friend Sira. They have been friends since Victoria was 4 years old. Sira was 3 years older than her but it didn't matter because they grew up just like sisters. Sira's parents were friends with Victoria's parents. Just like family. When Victoria was 15 years old, Sira decide to move to Barcelona for her career when she was 18. It was a hard separation but Victoria always promised that she will follow her best friend, her older sister. At first, they were always talking on the phone, every single day but 5 years later, their friendship had lost communication. They only talked once in a while when it seemed like it had been a long time since they haven't. Sira was busy working in her dream job and being Ferran Torres' girlfriend and Victoria was studying to work with FC Barcelona.

During this last year living in Barcelona, she was always working a crazy amount of time but Victoria was dedicated to her job. She did not have the opportunity to work with the boy's team yet because she was still a beginner but she loved her job either way.

She did gain back her friendship with her "older sister" the moment they saw each other for the first time in 5 years. It was the best reunion someone could experience in their life and now they practically live together. Victoria has her own small apartment near the stadium but she spends most of her days at Sira's house. They needed to catch up on all the years they were apart.

Victoria's parents weren't sure enough to let her move to Barcelona but they knew they could count on Sira to take care of their daughter if she ever needed anything. Victoria did have a close relationship with her family, especially with her mother, so it was hard at first to leave them but she got used to it quickly, knowing that she was in her dream city, living her dream life. That didn't change the fact that she was always talking on the phone with them and updating them about everything that is going on in her life.

Her days mostly consisted of going to the stadium and working many hours in the office with the rest of the management team. She assisted each one of the games that the team had but she never got the opportunity to watch the boy's team play. She knew Sira was always going to Ferran's games but Victoria was occupied every time. She only got to see them quickly during her 15-minute work break, when they trained. She didn't know much about the players because she was only focused on the feminine team.

During the last 6 months, Victoria was in a healthy relationship with her boyfriend Esteban. She met him here, in Barcelona, during a random night at a club. The second he laid eyes on her, he knew he liked her so he asked for her phone number and they started going on a few dates. Now they were always spending time with each other when Victoria wasn't with Sira or working at Camp Nou. Esteban was the typical perfect and good-looking Spanish boy. He worked in a business as one of the top bosses. Victoria had never experienced love until she met him and she knew that he was her forever.

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