[chap 3!] jit ✨tripping✨ theyre spying?

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When you were running away, you could see a little stone ahead, thinking it wouldn't do anything. BUT YOU WERE WRONG. "OH SH-" you managed to scream out before tripping on the rock, and getting a big cut on the lower part of your arm. You still kept running cause Sanic kept chasing you, like.. ITS AS THIN AS A PIECE OF PAPER!! While you were still running, you could hear gunshots in the distance. "Probably Defect Rebel and Rebel.." you thought to yourself, before tripping on a piece of the concrete.

You pulled out your radio and said. "EVERYONE!! HEAD TO SILVER MAAAALLL!!" you screamed into the radio, your legs feeling like jelly while running to the silver mall entrance. You also realized that it had stairs. "Oh no.." you mumbled to yourself, running up the stairs, you accidentally missed the second-last step and tripped. AGAIN. You tried to get up but sanic was running towards you at full speed, the picture getting more and more distorted.

Before Sanic could attack you, Defect Rebel and Rebel started shooting bullets at the filthy image. "WHY DONT PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!!" Jard yelled out, before coming in with a monster truck. (explain how he got it later) "I WOKE UP IN A NEW BUGATTI!!" Bobo screamed at everyone. Sanic was busy chasing Jard and Bobo in the monster truck while Defect Rebel and Rebel were shooting. You could also finally get up, so you rushed inside Silver Mall.

—Timeskip brought to you by a "We stand catjard" sign—

When everyone was finally at the mall, you all decided to split up to gather foods and stuff. "Just speak in the radio when you're in danger. Got it?" Rebel calmly said, followed by everyone else nodding their heads. Then we all split up! You thought about retrieving the tablet outside but it was too risky. Then you started to have second thoughts! "Just go out there! You'll be fine!" "Don't be such a baby!" "I'll just go get the tablet.." you thought to yourself, before going outside.

There was nobody and no nextbots outside, so it was a good time to find the tablet. You checked the rock where you fell into Jard's arms, but it wasn't there. "Where could it be.." you mumbled to yourself. You literally checked EVERYWHERE but you still couldn't find it. You could also hear some eery music in the distance but you just ignored it.
You could also see a black blob, just so then, you realized that it was munci. "WHERE THE HECK COULD THE TABLET BEEEE!?" You said to yourself. You started running back to the mall and you went into the IKEA section. You were met with Bobo, just leaning on the shelf, with some sort of device?

"Hey Bobo!" You said, which it kinda startled him but he replied really quickly "Oh! Hey Y/N! Do you know the password for this?" You peeked at the tablet and realized it was the tablet you were looking for. You also tried to hide your anger. "Yeah! It's.. actually a Face ID thing!" You clicked the "FACE ID" button and it made a little sound before opening. "WOOOAA!! That. Is. SO. COOL!!" Bobo squealed before clicking on one of the apps. The only app.

Bobo - 45%
Jard - 41%
Rebel - 49%
Defect Rebel - 43%

"What's this?" You said to Bobo. "I don't know but.. it has my name on it?" Bobo managed to squeak out. Your heartbeats went up also. "Bobo.. RUN!!" You said, before you 2 parted ways. Seems like the nextbot was chasing Bobo cause your heartbeat went down. You also went back for the tablet cause.. YOU WERE LOOKING FOR IT!!

You grabbed the tablet and ran to the cinema before placing the tablet down and glancing at it one more time before placing it down onto one of the cinema chairs and running away. "Rebel...? WHERE ARE YO-" You accidentally ran into him while calling out to him (smh Y/N) "oOF!" you managed to mumble out while running into him. "Y/N?" he said. You stumbled onto the floor while being half unconscious and conscious. "waa..brel...?" (WHO TF IS BREL) "You good Y/N?" Bobo worriedly said before picking you up. "friggin armour.." you managed to mumble out before going unconscious. "GUYS Y/N'S DEAAAAD" Bobo said while sobbing.

"No they're not!! Lemme see!" Defect said before picking you up, bridal style. With you being picked up bridal style, you immediately snapped back to reality and fell off his arms. "WOA-AAAHHH!!" Jard caught you just in time. (This guy probably has some skills, catching you every time 😍) "Phew.. thanks Jard!" You enthusiastically said, a red hue appearing on his face. "Y-yeah! N-no p-prob-blem" Jard managed to stutter out. Before placing you down.

"Guys wanna head back to the base?" Bobo said. "Yeah sure!" Defect replied. (dry convo 💀) So you all headed back to the Base.


You were just texting Rebel and Defect Rebel to come meet you at the front entrance


3:36 PM

A few minutes later, the 2 Rebels came to the front entrance. They also both had matching shirts. Defect Rebel's said:

<— this guy is stupid

And Rebel's said

this guy is stupider —>

"Uh anyways- Wanna go find Jard and Bobo? They've been like.. Actually.. I haven't seen them anywhere!" You managed to finally say. "mmmh.. sure.." Rebel also managed to say, looks like he just got up from a nap. "Well.. I know theres security cameras everywhere.." Defect said with a smirk, so then you three headed to the Control room. You clicked on a website and kept pressing the right arrow key before you saw Bobo pinning Jard on the wall. "Oh no.. that looks really bad.." Rebel said through gritted teeth. You also accidentally pressed some kind of button, but you didn't care. It also sounded like they were having a conversation about you, cause you kept hearing your name in like.. every sentence. Bobo's eyes were also tinted red, he was leaning into Jard until their foreheads were touching. "Sounds like a deep conversation.." Defect whispered. While they were having their 'Deep conversation' it actually kinda looked like..

"It looks like they're kissing to be honest." You said without a thought. Bobo and Jard turned to face you and the camera. "OH SH- Y/N!! WHAT DID YOU PRESS!? Rebel screamed at you. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT DID I PRESS!? A RED BUTTON THAT SAYS SPE-aker... oh.." you mumbled the last part before Rebel started chasing you out of the base and into where Jard and Bobo were. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH HELP!! HES A WILD ANIMAL!!!!

cliffhanger hehe


A Portal to Your Heart || Evade || BOOK 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora