Love Departed

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I heard you found somebody new in less than a month. I don't understand how you could find someone else in that short amount of time. Was everything that you told me a lie during our time together that its a fabrication, designed to provide temporary comfort. I'm bewildered as to why you were so eager to believe that I cheated on you when I never did. Did that assumption serve as a justification for your own actions, making it easier for you to find someone else to love?

I never loved someone as true as I loved you. I believed that you were different from them, but you weren't, until you found someone else that quickly. I want you to know that I never intended to mistreat you. All I ever wanted was for our relationship to flourish, for us to support and cherish each other. Somewhere along the way, though, I must have faltered, failing to provide you with the love and attention you deserved.

Yeisha, I still mourn for your leave. You meant everything to me. I thought I was the one who was going to stay with you, but you left and found someone else in the short amount of time we weren't together. I was always afraid that someday you would leave me for someone else, for someone better, but you always told me that you weren't. Then, I guess that was a lie too. Does that mean that every "I love you," every "ingat," every "mahal na mahal kita" that you said were all lies too?

I just don't understand how you could find someone else that fast more like I struggle to fathom how you could replace me so swiftly. . Remember when you told me that there were a lot of people waiting for you to be single? I knew that, and you didn't have to say it. I know how amazing of a person you are, that's why I was always afraid that you'd be taken away from me.

I'm sorry for babbling on for so long. I'll let you go now. I hope you'll be happy with "Liam," and I should've wished I never heard of it. I wish I could forget you like you forgot about our love that quickly. Goodbye, Yeisha.

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