Replaceable Love's Pain

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In shadows of anguish, my soul finds a voice,
A tale of replaceability, where I have no choice.
With each passing moment, my heart starts to bleed,
For the love I once cherished, now a fragile seed.

I feel so easily replaced, like a fleeting breath,
A puzzle piece discarded, lost in life's vast breadth.
The words I once feared, she weaves into her days,
Leaving me questioning, lost in a disarrayed maze.

How can she so effortlessly replace what we had,
While I'm left here, wounded, my spirit turned sad?
The fears that haunted me, she embraces with ease,
Leaving my heart battered, begging for sweet release.

Did my love mean so little, or was it all in vain?
Was I just a mere stopgap, an unworthy refrain?
The ache in my chest resonates through each verse,
As I yearn for her love, an eternal thirst.

But love, oh fickle love, it's a treacherous game,
Where hearts are discarded, fueling endless pain.
I gaze at the mirror, staring into my own eyes,
And wonder how she moved on, while my spirit cries.

In the depths of a heartache's well,
A tale of sorrow begins to dwell.
Feelings of being replaceable, so profound,
Aching words echoing, going round and round.

I once stood tall, believed in love's embrace,
But now I'm haunted by its cold, empty space.
How swiftly she moved on, without a glance,
Leaving me in anguish, lost in a tragic dance.

The promises whispered, they held no weight,
As she surrendered to another's fate.
All the fears I voiced, now a painful truth,
As she indulges in the dreams we once pursued.

How does she revel in a love anew,
While I'm trapped in a torment so blue?
The wounds I carry, they refuse to heal,
While she finds solace in a love so surreal.

The question echoes, demanding an answer,
How was it easy for her to replace this dancer?
Amidst my suffering, I'm left with this plea,
To understand the depths of her apathy.

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