Echoes of Absence: A Heart's Longing

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In the morning's tender light, I awake,
Aching for your presence, my heart's mistake.
Though I know you've gone, and won't return,
My yearning persists, my love for you still burns.

Desperation clings, like shadows in the dawn,
Longing for your touch, a love that's since withdrawn.
With each passing day, the void grows deep,
Yet my heart refuses to let go, to release its keep.

The knowledge lingers, a bitter truth to bear,
That you won't come back, that you no longer care.
But still, I yearn for your return, my soul's plea,
For in my heart, your love holds eternal decree.

Though time has passed, the flame remains bright,
A love that's unwavering, a beacon in the night.
I miss you dearly, as much as the day you left,
Hoping against hope, that one day we'll reconnect.

So here I stand, in the morning's embrace,
Aching for your presence, longing for your face.
Though you won't return, my love holds true,
Forever missing you, my heart remains with you.

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