You think so?

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Yes, I know I don't have any right to feel anything about the situation.

and about liking you agad, that someone you're talking about realized that he was taken advantage of (i have other words for it but its a lot)
I moved on from that relationship because I knew it only brought me pain and suffering. I wanted to change that and start anew.

My cheating issue? Right, because you're stubborn and wouldn't even listen to what I explained. You only listened to their side despite us literally being on face-to-face at that time. Plus, what? It was my prelims that time how would I find the time to even talk to someone else? But sure, keep believing that I did all of those even though that same girl you're believing manipulated me and ruined me.

You know I actually did like you. I actually did try to have a better relationship with you than my past relationships. But I couldn't do it in the end, I had a lot of issues and I should've fixed them. Pero you know what? I told you before, let's be better together. I only wanted to fight for us and get through each battle and come out still together. Pero after only less than a month? You already have a love interest? Tell me, was I so bad to you that I'm easily replaced like that? Are all the things you told me only a pill of lies?

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