What did I say?

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Like I told you over and over again. I posted them a lot in my story. Always on public, they don't have access to your drawings but I make it public to the world how much of an Artist you are. I can't explain something that I don't even know how or why they did it. Is it a grudge against me? Are they just out to get rid of me? I don't know what they want to accomplish from accusing me like that.

I've only even been focused on you. You can check the date on the account that was created. The mutual servers even friends that have talked to them before.  I've only ever used my only account that I talked to you for. She even knows it because we talked there before too (when we were still together i blocked her after that).

It's tiring having to explain the things that I didn't even do. What do you even think of me? All those times I was happy with you, and you think I'll let it all go for someone who ruined me? I don't care anymore. Think what you want to think. I know for myself that I didn't do it.

AlexithymiaWhere stories live. Discover now