Mending Hearts, Silent Apologies

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In the depths of longing, where memories reside,
I find myself yearning for a love that has died.
A tale untold, a chapter closed too soon,
Where shadows of misunderstanding now loom.

Oh, how I miss you, the one I've lost,
A connection severed, at such a high cost.
Our paths diverged, leaving a void in my heart,
And time has only deepened the chasm, tearing us apart.

Yet, I carry the weight of an unjust blame,
Though innocence lingers, it's hard to reclaim.
I long to prove my truth, to banish the doubt,
But the scars of mistrust persist, without a way out.

I ponder the moments, etched in my mind,
When laughter and joy were so easy to find.
How did it crumble, this bond we cherished so?
Where misunderstandings festered and love ceased to grow.

I apologize with words that falter and break,
For failing to convince, for my heartache's sake.
The evidence may be elusive, lost in time,
But in my soul, remorse echoes like a chime.

I wish I could rewind the clock, turn back the tide,
To rewrite the narrative, to stand by your side.
To mend the fragile thread of trust we once knew,
But alas, my efforts seem futile and few.

So, in this solitude, I reach out with a plea,
To the universe's ear, may it listen and see.
For in my heart, sincerity beats strong and true,
Even if my apologies fail to sway you.

Know that my absence does not equate to deceit,
That my intentions were pure, though I may be incomplete.
A symphony of regret fills this empty space,
As I yearn for reconciliation, praying for grace.

So, here I stand, aching for forgiveness, it seems,
Whispering apologies in the realm of dreams.
Hoping someday, somehow, you'll grasp the depths of my plea,
And find solace in the fact that I still miss you, endlessly.

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