Good morning once again

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Good morning, how was your sleep? I couldn't find any rest at all. My thoughts were consumed by you throughout the entire night. I can't help but wonder how you're doing now, what you've been up to, and who you've been talking to. However, I'll never truly know, as you have already cut me off from your life. Despite this reality, moving on has proven to be incredibly difficult for me.

The fear of always feeling this way lingers in my mind. While my rational thoughts acknowledge that you won't come back, my heart stubbornly refuses to accept it. The truth is, I still miss you deeply, and it pains me to think that you might be doing better without me.

The days have become a constant battle, trying to reconcile the fact that you're no longer a part of my life. The void you left feels insurmountable, and every moment without you feels empty. It's challenging to imagine a future where I am truly happy without your presence.

But despite the pain and the longing, I genuinely hope that you are doing better than I am. I want nothing more than for you to find happiness and fulfillment in your life, even if it means we can't be together. Your well-being still holds a special place in my heart, and I wish you nothing but the best.

Good morning, my thoughts and well wishes are with you today, just as they have been throughout this difficult journey. I may still miss you deeply, but I hold onto the thought that you're happier now, even though I'm not by your side.

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