Yearning Heart and Broken Dreams

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In the depths of sorrow's grip I dwell,
A heart once whole, now a broken shell.
She left my side, like a fleeting dream,
And I'm left alone in this silent stream.

I yearn to find my own path anew,
To be free from the pain, to start anew.
But the weight of her absence pulls me low,
I struggle to move, my spirit's woe.

I'm sorry for the mistakes I've made,
For the moments when I strayed and strayed.
I changed, evolved, a different soul,
But the past still haunts, takes its toll.

All I wanted was to ease your ire,
To see a spark of joy, a love inspired.
But even my presence would ignite your wrath,
Each breath I took, an infuriating path.

I hope she finds happiness, pure and bright,
In a world where my own heart's lost its light.
For I can't fathom a love so deep,
A heartbreak like this, an abyss to keep.

I poured my efforts, my soul, my all,
But my love for you was doomed to fall.
There are countless souls better than me,
But none can fill this void, set me free.

I can't believe this pain that I bear,
A wound that won't heal, an endless despair.
All I desired was for you to be near,
But fate tore us apart, filled me with fear.

Take my apologies, accept my regret,
For in this heartache, I'll never forget.
I pray you find someone worthy, my love,
Someone who fits the dreams we dreamt of.

But know that within my wounded core,
Your absence is an ache I can't ignore.
I wanted it to be you, my dear,
But fate had another path to steer.

So I wander, lost, in this tempest's wake,
A soul that's shattered, a heart that aches.
In time, perhaps, I'll find solace anew,
But for now, I mourn the loss of you.

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