Night's Embrace: Longing for a Departed Love

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In the stillness of this night, I quietly weep,
Longing for your touch, the memories I keep.
Though you've departed, and won't be near,
My yearning persists, echoing crystal-clear.

Desperation engulfs me, as darkness falls,
Craving your presence, within these lonely walls.
Though I understand you won't reappear,
My love for you remains, forever sincere.

Tonight, I ache for your warm embrace,
Missing your laughter, your gentle grace.
Though you won't return, I hold onto the past,
For our love, like a timeless spell, forever cast.

The night breeze whispers secrets untold,
As I yearn for you, my heart takes hold.
Despite the knowledge that you won't be back,
My love for you endures, a relentless track.

So, in the depths of this night's embrace,
I surrender to the memories, seeking solace.
Though you're gone, my love remains true,
Missing you fervently, as I always do.

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