Yearning Love, Tearful Nights

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I hope you're doing better than me, even though it pains me to write it. The nights have become my solace, where tears flow uncontrollably, echoing the ache within my heart. It's during these moments that I can't help but let the memories flood my mind, and the overwhelming sense of missing you engulfs my very being.

I know deep down that you are better off without me. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but I have come to accept it. I cannot deny the reality that lingers in the shadows, whispered by those who claim to know the truth. If you still choose to believe what you hear from other people, so be it. My voice, my intentions, may fade amidst the noise, but I hold steadfast to the knowledge that I only ever wanted you, and no one else.

The love we shared was unlike anything I had experienced before. It consumed my soul, leaving me vulnerable yet blissful. I reveled in the beauty of our connection, cherishing every moment we spent together. Your smile could light up the darkest corners of my world, and your touch could mend the deepest wounds within my heart.

But life has a cruel way of altering our paths, leading us down different roads. I find myself at this crossroad, engulfed in longing and sorrow. My tears are a testament to the depth of my emotions, to the void that now exists in my life. Each drop represents the love that remains, unfading, even in the absence of your presence.

I want you to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that my love for you is unwavering. It transcends the hurt and the misunderstandings that may have tarnished our relationship. In the depths of my being, I carry the memories of us, the laughter, the tenderness, and the countless dreams we nurtured together. They are etched into my soul, forever a part of me.

If there is any solace I can find amidst this ocean of despair, it is in the hope that you are happy. To imagine you smiling, content with a life that flourishes beyond our past, brings a bittersweet comfort. It is a reminder that love, though sometimes complicated, should ultimately be about the happiness and well-being of the ones we hold dear.

So, my dear yuuz, I write this letter not to burden you with guilt or longing, but to release my emotions and lay them bare. These words are a testament to the depth of my love for you, a love that persists despite the circumstances that led us apart. I hope you can find it in your heart to understand and forgive.

Know that regardless of where life takes us, my love for you will forever endure. It will linger in the tears shed, the nights spent in solitude, and the unspoken prayers for your happiness. May life bless you with joy, love, and all the beauty you deserve.

With all the love that remains in my heart,

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