Chapter 30: His dark orbs.

Start from the beginning

They were looking deeply at each other's eyes and Yoon smiled with Jungkook because she felt reassured by what he said.

She was about to say something when Taehyung's voice interrupted them, "woah... are you always like this?", Taehyung said in a teasing tone and then he sat on his designated chair next to Yoon's chair while Jimin sat down next to him, Namjoon sat next to Jungkook on the other side.

Jungkook took out his phone from the inside pocket of his suit jacket and texted a number.

On the other side, Jackson came out of the ballroom heading outside where his cars and men are.

The cars are parked on the other side of the street, at a distance from the building of the event, so as not to attract suspicion.

Before he reached near his cars and his men, he stopped at a distance when he heard the sound of his phone notification.

He opened the text message that Jungkook sent immediately, which showed four dead men above each other, and soon he realized that they're his men, whom he had brought with him.

Under the picture is a text message.

Jeon: This is because you killed my two men that day... you know I always take revenge in double way.

Jackson smirked a wry smirk because he never cares about the death of his men, but what happened next really provoked him.

Suddenly, Jackson's car exploded, and his men's car parked behind it exploded at the same time as well.

Luckily no one is on that side of the street as it's completely empty of people.

The flames and shrapnel are reflected in Jackson's eyes, who clenched his jaw firmly, announcing his extreme anger, but the sound of the notification of his phone brought him back from his straying.

Jeon: And this is for breaking Taehyung's car in Busan.

Inside the ballroom, the crowd quickly gathered and it was easy for them to coordinate and sit in their places due to the professional management and organization.

Yoon is just eyeing the place in curiosity because it's her first time attending an auction.

"Ladies and gentlemen... please pay attention", said a woman who appeared to be in her thirties. An elegant woman in a long, elegant white dress, formal enough yet sexy to draw attention.

The woman ascends the podium while holding the presentation papers between her fingertips studded with diamond rings, while a man who appears to be her age, an elegant man in a bright black suit, stands near her, while also holding papers between his fingers.

These two are the hosts of this auction.

"Ladies and gentlemen... distinguished guests, and esteemed participants... it is with great pleasure that we welcome you to this remarkable evening of excitement and anticipation... tonight... we gather here for a truly extraordinary event... an auction like no other... without any longer introductions... we announce that this prestigious auction has officially started from this moment... I wish everyone a fruitful victory and I hope everyone will enjoy it", the man said through the microphone standing in front of him, just as another one stands in front of the woman.

Warm applause rose in appreciation, but everyone soon stopped.

Two men are in the podium right now, looking like they are workers but also they are dressed in elegant tuxedos. They are carrying a large object covered in a red cover that doesn't reveal the content that covers it.

After that, the large covered object was placed in a black wooden table previously placed on the podium.

"Now... let's start with the first piece", said the woman again.

His Other Side || Jeon Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now