Dancing in the Moonlight

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"And...what's your name?" Kit asked awkwardly when Elijah failed to offer his own name in return.

Elijah was still so taken in staring at his mate that he didn't even realize it might appear strange to the boy. He was not fond of social interactions generally and was even less fond of those where he needed to pretend to be human.

"Elijah... I'm Elijah."

The words were short and disconnected, but it was all Elijah could muster. He was not one to become tongue tied, but in the presence of his mate he was smitten. He was giddy, he felt excited and nervous all rolled into one. Of course, Kit felt nothing— he reminded himself— nothing more than what any human might feel meeting another. Yet.

"It's good to meet you!" Kit offered his handshake in a polite greeting. Elijah's eyes went directly to the offering as he considered what he ought to do. Getting to touch his mate seemed almost too good to be true, and he worried he might not be able to control himself. On the other hand if he didn't Kit might be offended and find him uncouth.

Elijah took the gesture for what it was and grabbed Kit's smaller hand in his own. They fit together almost like puzzle pieces and Elijah longed to take Kit's hand closer and press it directly to his heart so the boy could see how fast it was beating.

As they touched his veins coursed with electricity and warmth. The interaction sent shivers down his spine; the touch of a mate was something Elijah had never experienced before— something he'd never understood.

"You shocked me," Kit said with a small smile, and Elijah's heart melted. Kit had felt the electricity too, he just hadn't known what it was.

Elijah held the contact for as long as he could muster until Kit cleared his throat, once again appearing perplexed by the strangeness of his partner.

If only you knew how strange I really am, Elijah thought.

He let the boy's hand fall from his own, and tucked his hands back into his pockets with a shy shift of the legs. As an alpha he was used to speaking strongly and having everyone listen to him, but he had no idea what to say. All he knew was that he wanted to keep talking to Kit, so he had to say whatever would make the boy listen.

"It's... it's good to meet you..." Elijah didn't need to think long about what to say because Kit broke the silence for him. "Unless we've already met. I can be quite forgetful."


"No." Elijah stated firmly. "We haven't."

"Are you—" Kit paused as if trying to choose his words carefully. "Do you go to St. Matthew's?"

"St. Matthew's?"

"The high school... they uh... they sponsored this dance," Kit explained. "I don't think I've ever seen you before, and it's not a very large school."

"I go to the other one." Elijah lied.



"So... what are you doing here? This is enemy territory?" Kit asked playfully.

You have no idea, Elijah thought.

"I was feeling brave."

"That so?" Kit chuckled, and to Elijah it was a wonderful sound. "I'm not meant to hang out with people from Newbury High... they tell us awful stories about that place. But of course, I'm sure that's just school loyalty speaking. You don't seem dangerous."

More than you could possibly imagine.

"It's good to meet you even if you're from a rival school. Did you bring other Newbury friends with you?" Kit continued.

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