The Enemy

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Kit woke drenched in a cold sweat. When he did he saw that the wolf was sitting calmly as a puppy in the cell, staring back at him.

"It's a lot to take in," A voice startled him from behind. While he'd been out, Daniel and Anna had returned from outside and Elijah had transferred back into his wolf form.

"I— I know I've seen it," Kit mumbled, propping himself against the sheriff's desk. "Yet I can't seem to convince myself that it's real."

"It can have that effect on people," Daniel explained. "I have a human mate myself, so I know how difficult it is for humans to process this kind of thing.

Kit stared at the wolf. Somehow he intrinsically knew that it wasn't going to hurt him and yet he was very thankful to have the bars separating the wolf from him.

"I'm having a hard time connecting this to Elijah," Kit almost laughed. "I watched him change... and yet...?"

"The wolf still has the same heart," Anna said. "I promise."

"We're a bit more wild in our wolf forms, but they're still us. If he wouldn't hurt you in human form, he won't hurt you in wolf form," Daniel explained.

"We?" Kit asked. "You're all...?"

"We are," Anna answered. "If you have any questions—"

Before Anna could finish speaking a church bell rang in the distance and Kit's eyes went wide.

"Oh no!" He scrambled to his feet. "Fr. Charles is going to be home any minute. If he finds out that I was here he's going to lose his mind."

The wolf in the cage titled its head at Kit in disappointment.

"I'm sorry... I've just— I need to go."

With that Kit rushed out of the small sheriff's office.

"I think that went well," Anna shrugged, earning a glare from both Daniel and the wolf.


Kit avoided Elijah as best he could for the next few days in fear of what occurred he couldn't manage to convince himself that it was all truly real, that werewolves really, actually, did exist in the world. It was all so fantastical. How could it possibly be real?

Fr. Charles hadn't realized he had been gone for the hour or so that Kit left, yet he still kept him under constant surveillance no matter what. Tensions were extra high in town especially because Damien had been spreading rumors about the wolf that Kit had seen and causing people to wonder if there really could be such an animal prowling about the city. Most people assumed, however, that Damien was right and Kit had in fact exaggerated.

On Sunday, Kit was allowed to leave the house for the first time since the incident in the street, and that was to walk to mass with Fr. Charles.

"Hullo Kit!" Mr. O'Connor greeted him as he sat down in his usual pew. "Good to see you out and about!"

"It's very good to see you too," Kit smiled. Whenever he didn't lector for the mass he always sat with Mr. O'Connor, who was one of his favorites of the townspeople. On this specific occasion, Sr. Matilda was also tasked with sitting next to Kit as well.

"Fr. Charles has been far more strict than usual these past few days," Kit admitted.

"Cheer up, Kiddo. He's just trying to keep you safe," Mr. O'Connor explained.

"I wish he'd just let whatever's gonna happen happen," Sr. Matilda mumbled, before being shot a glare by Mr. O'Connor. "No use trying to fight it."

The mass began as usual, but the longer they stood, the more light headed Kit began to feel. His mouth was dry and his knees felt like Jelly, like they couldn't really support him. He wasn't used to struggling so much to get through church, but he suddenly felt like he needed to move no matter what.

Every joint and bone in his body screamed at him to move, letting the air flow over his head. He was hot, he was stiff, he was stifled. Everything felt terribly out of place.

"I'm just going to go get some fresh air..." Kit said when he was certain he couldn't take it another minute.

"Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Mr. O'Connor whispered, eyes filling with great concern.

"I'll just be right outside for a moment, what could possibly happen?"

"I don't—"

"Go." Sr. Matilda interrupted.

"But Fr. Charles said..." Mr. O'Connor argued.

"He's my nephew. Go on Kit. Take as long as you need."

Not needing to be told twice, Kit stood from his spot in the pew. Fr. Charles noticeably faltered in his homily when he saw, but kept going regardless. Kit excused himself out to the front steps of the church.

It was a chilly morning and he tugged his sweater closer around his shoulders. He had hoped that a little fresh air would steady him, but he still felt on edge. Nothing could seem to calm him down.

"My dad sent me to bring you this," Damien appeared in the doorway to the church with a small plastic cup of water. "Are you alright? You look like hell."

"Thanks," Kit mumbled, still upset with Damien for causing such an uproar.

"Look... I just wanted to say...." Damien began, but trailed off. His voice seemed to catch in his throat and he stared over Kit's head out into the distance.

"What Damien?" Kit turned to see what had frightened Damien so much and felt his heart stop in his tracks.

There, in the middle of the street just a few yards away, was a giant gray wolf.

"Elijah?" Kit asked tepidly.

The wolf crouched low and growled, raising its hackles.

Instantly Kit knew this was not Elijah. 

Then, he screamed. 

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