The Conversation - Part 8

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Ömer and Kivilcim were in the car. Ömer started talking. 

Ömer: "How are you?"

Kivilcim looked questioningly: "How should I feel Ömer?"

Ömer: "I'm trying to relax the tension. I know that you're not feeling well. I don't know exactly what Leman told you, but listen to my version. After that, go and never talk to me again - if you want. But let me explain you my point of view!"

Kivilcim:"That's why I am here! Tell me your version!"

Ömer:"It's very difficult for me.. I don't know how you will react.. But first let me know...I didn't mean to hurt you...that's the last thing I want to do, to hurting you!"

Kivilcim:"But you even hurt me a lot! I trusted you.. I opened up to you. Not only my body, you got my soul too - and as a thank you I was betrayed and hurt!"

Ömer:"Kivilcim I love you!"

Kivilcim:"You cannot love me ... Now I'm not even sure if you're the man I met-- Who are you Ömer?"

Ömer:"Why are you questioning it? Listen to me..."

Kivilcim:"I listen you all the time.. But do me a favor and don't lie to me again!  Ömer, I can't trust you or believe you anymore - again .. Even if you tell me your point of view.... I honestly don't know if I would trust you again.. I do not know If I would believe your version... I don't know !"

Ömer touched Kivilcim's hand and looked into her eyes. 

Ömer: "I see love in your eyes..." 

Kivilcim: "Do you also see the disappointment?"

Ömer:"AAAAAaaah Kivilcim Leman is not my wife!"

Kivilcim:"Sure? Shall we call Can and ask him? I think he must know it , right?"

Ömer: "She's not like my wife!"

Kivilcim: "What kind of your wife is she?"

Ömer:"Leman is the wife of Bekir - my twin brother. She is my sister-in-law!"

Kivilcim's eyes widen. She is shocked.....

Kivilcim with big wide and questioning eyes: "What?"

Ömer: "When Bekir died in an accident, I had to marry his wife so that she wouldn't have to live as a widow. My father and Leman's father were great friends. When her father died, my father promised her father never to leave her alone and to care for her!A few years later Bekir and Leman married.A week after the marriage my brother died and Leman was a widow.My father thought it good and right that I should marry my brother's wife , so that she shouldn't suffer in her young age ."

Kivilcim:"Excuse me what?"

Ömer: "It's like that with us - unfortunately!"

Kivilcim: "What does it mean that it's the case with you.. Ömer, that's not normal!"

Ömer: "I am aware that you will have difficulties understanding me and the situation! We do what my father wants. He was the boss in the family. We have to obey him. And that's how my father wanted it have. I was young. I couldn't fight or I did not say something."

Kivilcim:"No one said anything?"

Ömer: "No. Nobody could say anything."

Kivilcim:"It's so sad.. I mean you were young... you sacrificed your life. So did she ... It's not her fault either.

Kivilcim was very shocked and couldn't believe it...

Kivilcim: "And Methehan?"

Ömer: "Metehan is not my son.. Leman was pregnant by Bekir, we found out after his death!!"

Kivilcim:"Does he know anything about it?"

Ömer:"No,... I made him feel like I was his father. He never despaired. He's my son too. I couldn't tell him anything I'm afraid of losing him. You know Kivilcim he mean a lot to me... I can't live without him!"

Kivilcim looked down... Tears fell down. Ömer cried.... Both were emotionally exhausted!

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