Omer is desperate - Part 7

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Ömer was very angry and very confused and didn't know how to talk to Kivilcim or what to say exactly.

He wanted to tell Kivilcim everything, the truth and with Leman, but he never really got the chance.

Ömer tries to call Kivilcim several times. Reach out to her and at least tell her his side of the story. But without success. Kivilcim just didn't answer the phone.

So he drove to Kivilcims house. 

Meanwhile at Fatma's house:

Fatma: "Aaaaaah I did know you both would..."


Fatma:"What? You both shared the night together  omg omg omg omg omg omg...."

Kivilcim:"Fatma... I try to explain you... he is married! You do not understanding me!"

Fatma:"Are you sure he is already married?"

Kivilcim:"His wife came to school..She told me that!"

Fatma:"Maybe she's lying.. Maybe they're divorced and she couldn't really break up with him?!?! Maybe she still loves him???"

Kivilcim:"Maybe..I do not know .. My mind is so ... I am confused!"

Fatma:"You need to talk with Ömer!"

Kivilcim:"Noooooo! What should I ask him? How should he answer me... What he will say, maybe he will also lie..."

Fatma:"Maybe not...But you must to give him a chance so that he can explain all -maybe from his perspective...."

Kivilcim looked down...

Fatma:"How was it?"

Kivilcim:"What ?"

Fatma:"How was he in bed? How was the sex?"

Kivilcim:"Faaaatmaaaa please...."

Fatma:"Please tell me how it was come on..." she was laughing..

Kivilcim breathed deeply:"He was good and the night was so romantic.. But now it doesn't matter.. I feel dirty and betrayed!"

Fatma:"No do not feel so.. I saw the love and desire on his eyes.. He really loves you.. Wait and let him explain all. After that you can judge everything."


Sönmez House:

Ömer rang the bell and Sönmez (Kivilcim's mother) opened the door.

Sönmez:"Mr. Ömer ? Did something happen?"

Ömer:"No, hmmm is Kivilcim at home? Can I talk to her please? It is very important!"

Sönmez: "Of course you can talk to her, but she's not at home! Sorry."

Ömer:"Is she still at work? Do you know where is she?"

Sönmez:"She is with Fatma in Fatmas house."

Ömer's eyes asked Sönmez where Fatma's apartment was!

Sönmez explained the way to him and where the apartment was. On what floor and Ömer went to Fatma. He knocked several times.

Fatma finally opened the door.

Fatma:"Ömer." so surprised.

Ömer:"Can you bring Kivilcim to me? I need to talk to her. It's very important!"

Fatma looked back with a desperate look.

Fatma:"Ömer....She doesn't want to see you...! Sorry!"

Ömer:"I know. But only once.. I only have to talk to her once.. It's really important! After that, she can hate me forever -if she wants.!"

Fatma:"Wait here give me few mins time.. I'll try to persuade her to listen to you for once!"

Ömer:"Ok thank you!"


Ömer waits outside for a moment and after 5 minutes Kivilcim comes out. She was mad, angry, sad, disappointed and didn't really want to hear him. She showed that him too!"

Ömer:"Kivilcim give me a chance.. I know you talked to Leman. But if you love me or that between us meant something to you even if it's for a few minutes then give me this one chance!"

Kivilcim:"Can we talk outside of this appartment?"

Ömer:"Sure come come..."

The two went out. Kivilcim and Ömer were in the car.

Ömer wanted to drive off....

Kivilcim:"Wait.. I want to talk to you here. It won't take long. We don't have to drive far..."

Ömer:"Ok sure as you want!"

Kivilcim looked out the window...

Kivilcim:"I'm waiting..Start...How do you want to justify yourself?..."

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